Chapter 1 ♠️ Cleaning Routine

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A/N Hey, so before you read this book, sometimes chapters move around for some reason?? All of the chapters are numbered for that reason so please make sure you're reading the next one. If you don't pay attention to the numbers, make sure the ending of the actual chapter and the reminder on the next one match, or if you're really confused, you might be on chapter 20 instead of 16. I have no clue why Wattpad does this, it has never happened to me before. Please enjoy the book <3


You had been trying to work for the King of Spades for a long time, it provided you with a home, food, money, y'know 'cause you're working, and I guess it can also provide you with new friends? Yay?
Anyways, you managed to make your way into his staff and you weren't going to complain, mainly because you could end up in the prison knowing just how kind your king is, but also because you want to be here.

Rouxls Kaard's way of speaking was slowly driving you insane along with his strict manners, it only made you more irritated the second you saw him. Your coworkers agreed with you nonetheless. You were glad you weren't the only one who couldn't handle him, that way you could complain about him to your other coworkers without the fear of them being snitches, besides working in the king's castle, every worker was pretty kind, except Rouxls, of course. Still, you didn't completely hate him, he was quite an interesting fella, but, he spoke like Shakespeare, which wouldn't be a bad thing if he was practicing Hamlet or something, but he wasn't, so it became insufferable.

The castle was pretty big and you liked it of course, who the hell wouldn't like a castle? It was well decorated, somehow, considering the king couldn't care less about decoration Roulxls probably took over in that department. But even so, something bothered you, in one of the elevators you could access a floor titled '???' which was unsettling for you. You were curious to see what the hell was that, but fear took over your body whenever you thought about going there.

Each time you would press a button in that elevator you did it ever-so-carefully so that you didn't press the wrong button in an accident. The closest you ever got to that mysterious floor was when you wondered if it even worked or if there was a floor at all. So you pressed it and froze in place as you felt it move and go down. A lot. While you were traveling to the bottom the only thing you did was spam another floor in hopes that, for some reason, it would change its destination mid-travel, but obviously, it didn't. You weren't trapped in that floor though, you did go back, you didn't even want to look inside, afraid of what the hell could've been there.

Back to your regular life, you would wake up at 6 am, much to your displease, if you were fast enough you would be able to have breakfast, though you would usually get lost looking at the wall or trying to get up from bed for a good 20 minutes. In both cases Rouxls would wake you up unwillingly, or maybe it was willingly, that guy was a mystery. You worked there as a cleaner so the job was easy, but tiring. You had free time at 2 pm when you would have lunch, at 8 for dinner and a free half hour of your choosing, you worked until 11 PM and there wasn't a curfew so that was cool I guess.

You weren't really fond of any of your co-workers, you would have a small talk or two if it meant you could slack off but you wouldn't go out of your way to talk to them. You didn't have any friends either before going here, you always found the shopkeeper very interesting but could never build up the courage to talk to him, Seam was his name, he didn't mind correcting people on its pronunciation, which is 'shawn' by the way. He seemed mysterious, yet kind, he would throw riddles and metaphors in his speaking, you found it cool.

One person you were kinda fond of though was the prince. When he commanded, you would play with him sometimes and you would argue about Rouxls together, you knew he would tell him but you didn't care in this case. He was a funny little fella, too energetic sometimes but you couldn't blame him, he's just a kid, although you wish you could drop kick him sometimes. The king, besides being his son, didn't seem to care much about him, Rouxls would hang out with him more than the king, he called him 'lesser dad', which, accurate. It was funny seeing Rouxls with Lancer though, it would get out a side of him that wasn't pretty common. Either that or angering him.

So yeah, that was pretty much it. Your life now! Uhh, woohoo..?

After thinking about this for 20 minutes Rouxls' infuriating voice broke you out of your trance and realized that you had to get ready and you put on your uniform.

Since you got up late you didn't have time for breakfast, you went to find Rouxls since he was the one that gave you your duties, along the way you found a co-worker or two and talked an empty conversation. "How are you?" "Good." "How are you always late for breakfast?" "You know, I stare into the beautifulness of our walls" Hahaha, sure whatever.

"Y/N!" Why do you always scream?

"Hello there" You said with a sing-song voice, you felt good today.

"Thou are in a good mood today, that is goodeth." Spoke Rouxls in his broken English.

"Why is that?"

"Becauseth thou haveth to clean the no name level"

"... The wateth?" You said mocking his speaking.

"The level namedth question marks."

"We clean that level? And why do I have to do it?" You said confused, but secretly excited to go there.

"Because thee have already cleaned it, yet thou hasn't" You struggled to understand what pronoun thee was, you figured it was a them and angrily got a broom with a dustpan.

'So I guess this is my excuse to go there' you thought, the fear got to you quickly and hesitated to press the button but quickly did it as your other choice was discuss with Rouxls and that was like speaking to a wall. You counted the seconds it took to get down to that damn level and were convinced of one of two things, one: you didn't know how much seconds lasted, or two: this was in hell or something.

You got down fully and the doors struggled to open, someone hasn't been here in a while, or at least greased the doors. There was a long staircase that had piles of dust on it, you washed away your fear and started sweeping, you were just throwing the dust and spiderwebs to the bottom of the staircase where you hoped that there would be an even floor so it would be easier to pick up. There was a creepy atmosphere in all of this. The noise of chattering or literally anything wasn't heard. Pure silence was what took over this random room. By the way, what the hell is this? You couldn't see the end.

You got to the end quickly because of two reasons, your curiosity screaming at you, wondering what was at the end and the thought of 'holy shit get me out of here'. It turned out to be a jail cell, or however they're called, this only made the atmosphere worse. Who the hell was so dangerous they had to be kept apart from everyone else??

You wanted to peek inside, but at this point you supposed it was empty, if someone was inside they surely would've talked by now. You washed the worry off once more, you put all the dust in the dustpan and were heading to get back up, but you wanted to make sure this was empty. You looked inside, you couldn't see much so you got closer, to the point where you were squishing your face against the bars. You didn't see anything and got quite upset. This little mystery turned out to be so boring. But you didn't believe that the King would've spent money on making this room if it was empty, so you as the idiot you were called out into the nothingness.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" You weren't squishing your head against the bars but were still pretty close, you heard some shuffling and squinted your eyes in hopes to see.


"Hello?" You tilted your head. 'Huh it must be empty after all.' You thought, you felt defeated. You moved your head to get different points of views into the room.


You jumped back startled and fell onto the ground, you hurt your head badly, as you held it with your hand, you looked into the jail cell once more to see someone grasping at the bars.

You stood paralyzed and screamed with confusion "Who the hell are you?!"

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