He had slept on the couch last night after waiting by her door for two hours. He only barged in because she had somewhere she needed to be tonight. The gala.


It was already noon. She was feeling better. The pizza helped and she had half a gallon of water at this point. She had laid in bed with Obito for the last hour, neither of them speaking.

"Y/N, I – I – need to ask you..." Obito trailed off.

"What is it?"

"Why? Why did you run off last night? Why did you shut me out?"

Y/N sat up, "I'd rather not get into it right now."

"I just need to know what I did wrong," Obito ran his hand down her arm, "I'm clean. I have been for three years. If it was Rin who upset you –"

"No. It isn't Rin who upsets me. I know you're clean."

"Then what? You shut me out, literally."

"Obito – I really don't want to do this right now. Not before the gala."

"I need to know. I'll do anything to fix what I said or clear it up. Is it Madara –"

"No Obito! No! It's everything you are. It's everything we're surrounded by right now."

She had yelled and pulled away from him, leaving him even more confused. The look on his face hurt her more. He knew what she was; yet, had resolved himself to loving her. Her violence came in the form of words just now.

"What does that mean? You don't have to stay here. I was just trying to help."

"But I never asked. I never asked for this room. I never asked for any of this!"

"You did. You asked for this the moment you got involved with Madara's plan knowing how I felt about you."

"I – I didn't have a choice and you know it. I went into the Root with nothing. I came out of it with nothing. Meanwhile... you had this rich, control freak uncle who saved your life. You just skipped all of it. You cried over a girl not loving you while I was tortured by three monsters! One of whom I'll be grinding against tonight!"

"Kisame... he hurt you?"

"Not him, but his group. And while I fought to stay alive, you were killing yourself."

"Y/N, calm down, please let me help."

"Why? So you can hold it over my head? So you can own me? No!"

"Where... Y/N, I don't understand."

Y/N got up from the bed, tripping over the comforter. She hit the ground with a solid smack before getting up and throwing the blanket off of her. She knocked over the bedside table, breaking the lamp. She tripped over the cord her phone was charging on, causing the phone to smack the ground, it's screen shattering.

Obito watched as her frustrated movements became filled with rage. He got up to try and help her.

"Stop! Obito! Stop!" she began throwing whatever was around her, not wanting him to get close and make her more confused.

"Y/N, please," he said as he caught a pillow she threw. Thankfully she was only throwing soft things.

She stepped back, her foot stepping onto the broken glass from the lamp. She cried out, blood pouring from the cuts immediately. She hopped away from the glass and fell to her knees. Her rage transformed to hurt once more.

Obito stood there, still trying to make sense of what it was he did to upset her so much.

As she looked at her foot, she couldn't help but think back to when she was held captive. Three out of the seven Swordsmen had her tied up in an abandoned warehouse. She had stepped on a nail, causing her foot to bleed profusely, while trying to break free of the ropes that bound her.

As Obito stepped closer, all she could see were the Swordsmen closing in. But instead of pain, instead of new wounds, she was pulled into an embrace. The more she cried, the tighter he held her.

"Once you leave, I'm going to give you space. Take some time, just please don't make me wait too long. I want a chance to fix whatever it is I did."

Obito cleaned up foot and wrapped it up.

She mumbled a 'thank you' before heading out of the building. It was time to meet Kisame and Milana.

Obito wasn't good at space. While he could stay away for a certain time, his mind was sent into turmoil. Creating fake scenarios in his head, along with fifty solutions for each. He felt that old craving he had years ago and it terrified him.

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