10- Lavender

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Marinette's POV

"Wow." Was all I was able to mutter out after he pulled his lips away from mine. I wasn't expecting that at all.

Back in the car, he'd only placed a small peck on my lips, but I never expected him to full on make out with me. I mean, I wasn't complaining..

All this time, I thought my feelings for him were long gone. I always told myself it was just a middle school crush, and I was blindingly in love. But all of sudden, those same feelings rose up in me, the feelings I'd forced myself to suppress for all those years.

Was I still in love with him?

"Are you ok?" I looked up to see Adrien with a soft smile on his face. A tint of red appeared on his face when we made eye contact.

"I'm fine." I replied quickly, giving him a smile. In reality, I was lost in my thoughts of how I felt about Adrien.

It was quiet now, none of us spoke. I sat on his bed with my knees pulled up to my chest, my arms wrapped around them. I slowly rocked back and forward as the awkward silence filled the room

Breaking the silence, he took a deep breath and looked up at me. "You know, I've always liked you."

I looked up at him. What? Was I hearing things?

"What?" I shot him a look

"I like you Marinette...I like you a lot."

I definitely wasn't hearing things. All I could hear was my heart beating rapidly in my chest.

"R-really?" I stammered, with a very awkward smile. I knew I looked stupid, but I was in so much shock.

He gave an affirmative hum. "I've liked you, probably since the day I met you in freshman year. But you never noticed, it almost felt like you were avoiding me whenever I tired to talk to you." He laughed.

Only if he knew

"I just assumed you weren't interested, so I kinda gave up. But recently, I just couldn't stop thinking about you." He paused and looked down at the sliver ring on his finger before he started again. "It felt like I had to be a totally different person to get your attent-"

I didn't let him finish. I inched closer to his face and brushed my lips against his, just long enough so that I could inhale his breath. I could feel the warmth of his skin, and his hands slowly running up my back as I depended the kiss.

I found myself I top of him, his arms wrapped around his back as we continued to kiss, neither of us backing out.

I didn't know what we were doing, but it just felt so right.

"Mhmm." He groaned against my lips. I brang my hand up until it felt his hair and gently ran my fingers through it all my. I could tell he liked it. I felt a smile creep onto his lips that were pressed against mine.

That's when the thought came into my head; Chat. I hadn't even thought of him 'till now. I hated to admit it, but I didn't feel horrible. I mean- I felt somewhat bad.

I loved Chat, of course. But theses feelings that arose in me when I was with Adrien we're undeniable. This whole time, It felt like I was trying to run away from the feelings I had for Adrien that were creeping up on me.

But I didn't have the time to think hard. Adriens's arms hugging my waist knocked me back into my senses. He flipped me over so that I was underneath him, his lips remaining on mine.

I opened my eyes, and I hadn't even notice their were to candles burning on each nightstand beside his bed, and the lights were noticeable dimmed. What was he thinking?

I gently pulled my lips from him and lifted myself up.

"What's that all about." I looked over at the candles, then back at him.

He looked confused for a second, but when he saw what I was looking at, he began to laugh. He put his hand in his as he giggled.

"What?" I smiled. Just the sound of him laughing made me want to laugh too.

"It's not what you think it is...unless that's what you want to d-" He quickly cut himself off, clearing his throat.

"Their just lavender scented candles, they remind me of my Mother. Her favorite sent was lavender."

His mother. I was an idiot.

"Oh..I'm sorry." I akward laughed.

"No,no,no it's fine." He quickly hushed me, picking my chin up so that my face aligned with his.

His green eyes bore into mine as a smile crept onto his face.

Adreins POV

My face slowly pressed against hers and are lips connected once again. The smell of the burning lavender candles filling my nose. It was so cute of her to notice the small things.

Maybe I had set those candles up for her..maybe not.

I had to admit, I did feel bad. I was Adrien— but also Chat. She liked both of us—well, both of me. I felt In a way I was playing with her feelings, but I knew it would be too risky if she found out who I truly was.

I didn't know what to do, but, I didn't matter. As long as Marinette was with me, everything was fine.

We'd been kissing for a while, when all of a sudden Her chest began to rise and fall, before she let out a quiet staggered moan.

I quickly pulled myself up to see if she was ok. I looked down at her, and noticed her cheeks were all red, and her eyes were closed tightly. She rested the back of her hand on her forehead as she attempted to catch her breath.

Had she just..come?

I knew she was very sensitive, but never thought she'd come from me just kissing her. Cupping her chin, I lean down and whisper into her ear.

"You came?" I chuckled.

No response. She was still trying to catch her breath.

"Hmm?" I hummed into her ear.

"..Yea.." She replied quickly, her soft voice sounding so brittle.

Her body was so sensitive, it was so hot. The slightest touch to her body was enough to make her moan. It turned me on so much.

"You want me?" I hadn't realized my voice had grown so low. Shit, I was loosing a grip on myself.

I gently picked her head up so that she was looking at me.

She gave a quick nod, not hesitating at all.


I looked down at her and smiled. Wow, was I really about to do this? As Chat Noir, I was a totally different person, and could act however I pleased. But I wasn't Chat Noir, I was Adrien.

I reached over to my nightstand and opened a pack of condoms, pulling one out, and holding it between my teeth.

We were really about to do this.

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