9- Conflicted

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Marinette's POV

I lied on Chat's chest as I caught my breath. I could feel his chest heave underneath me. I closed my eyes, getting lost in my thoughts—-agian

Adrien was still on my mind. I really couldn't believe myself. I guess Ayla was right.

Not entirely. But somewhat right.

He pulled himself back upright, my head still lied against his chest. I tried not to notice it, but I could feel him. He was still hard. No way.

He grabbed me by my waist, moving me off of him and onto my bed. His hand firmly gripped onto my thigh, raising my leg up a bit. He wasted no time.

Quick glimpses of light would shine through my bedroom window as cars passed by, lighting the room up just for a second, not bright enough for me to be able to make out his face though. I wish I could see who he was, even though I knew the dangers of it.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

I realized I had been silent the whole time, probably because of the thoughts running through my head.

"Yeah, no, I'm fine" I replied quickly to ease his worries.

"Marinette, it's fine if you changed your mind." His voice was so gentle, almost like he could sense exactly what I was feeling. "I'll stop if that's what you want."

I sighed. I felt bad. Chat was right there, in front of me, and all I could think of was Adrien. Why was I like this?

"We can..just stop." I mumbled. I didn't deserve Chat.

His hand let go of my thigh. "It's ok, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable at all." He talked to me with such a soothe voice, making sure I was ok. I hated myself for what I was thinking.

I really didn't deserve him.

It was completely silence, the awkwardness was unbearable.

"I should probably get-" He started.

"Yeah." I said, cutting him off. I figured it would just be better.

He cleared his throat. "Ok."

He lifted himself of my bed, I could hear his footsteps in the darkness as he made his way towards the trap window.

"Plagg, transform me..!" He called out in a hushed yell. A sudden green flash of light illuminated the room for a second, then, it was back to pitch dark.

The lights switched back on, the sudden change of light made me squint. There, at the window, I saw Chat, a faint smile on his face.

"Bye, Marinette." He smiled as he climbed through my window. Once he was out,  the window shut right back.

The room was so silent, I could hear the ringing in my ears. I slapped my hands onto my face. Seriously, what was wrong with me.

I spent a while tossing and turning in my bed, wrapped in my blankets, trying to forget that embarrassing encounter i'd just had with Chat. Even when I closed my eyes, all I could think of was Adrien.

I couldn't sleep. No matter how hard I tried. I checked the time on my phone, 2:34 am. I sighed as I unlocked my phone and began scrolling through my messages. I doubted any of my friends were still awake. As I was scrolling, I stumbled across someone's number I never expected to see on my phone.


His name had a smiley icon next to it. I hadn't texted him since the day we were paired in a project together, which was a while ago. I clicked on our messages and noticed we really never texted much, mostly just school work. I hadn't even noticed, but next to his icon was green circle, he was active.

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