Finally Home

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"All of them!" said Taehyung with mock offense.

"Only if you lived in the Joseon era, I'm sure," giggled Sunny, reaching up to pat Taehyung's cheek.

"Well, they're funny to me anyway," he grumbled.

* * *

Taehyung and Sunny turned in early, citing the joy of being in their bed as reason enough to go to bed. Jungkook and Jaci were left alone. Jaci was seated at the table, and Jungkook was nursing a cup of hot chocolate as he leaned against the counter.

Jaci was looking at a dark green ribbon with white writing on it.

Derek Fenton - Professor and Friend

"Second thoughts?" asked Jungkook, setting his cup down on the counter. He moved over behind Jaci and gently massaged her shoulders.

Jaci's head bobbed, and she shrugged. "I don't want to offend Hoseok."

Jungkook leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "I think he will understand."

Jaci leaned her head back and looked up at his face. "Are you sure?"

Jungkook studied her worried expression. "You're worrying over nothing. Hoseok won't mind. The pack will also accept you, Jaci. They will love you. Just give them a chance to get to know you more, and they won't have a problem."

Jaci looked back down. "You know me too well already."

Jungkook leaned down and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "And yet, I still want to learn more."

Turning his face, he kissed her cheek. Jaci leaned back into his embrace and laid her face against his arm.

"I'm nervous, but I know you will always have my back."

"Exactly. We'll hang that ribbon up tomorrow before we head home. Is that okay with you?"

Jaci nodded. "Absolutely."

"Let's get some rest. It's going to be a big day tomorrow."

Jaci nodded and stood, letting Jungkook engulf her in a warm back hug. She leaned back and smiled. "And we will face it together."

Jungkook's heart soared, and he squeezed Jaci tight, making her grunt and giggle. Eventually, the pair settled down for the night, Jaci in Jungkook's old bed and Jungkook in wolf form curled up at the foot of the bed.

"You could have stayed in your human form, Jungkook," said Jaci, laughing as the wolf walked in circles on top of the blankets before finally curling up into a ball.

"Too dangerous," he grumbled before tucking his muzzle underneath his bushy tail.

Jaci giggled and snuggled down into the blankets. Her mate was too cute, too sweet, and so amazingly perfect. She couldn't wait to fully be his mate and the pack's Luna.

* * *

The next day, after making sure Taehyung and Sunny knew they were to come to the wedding, Jungkook and Jaci headed out to finally start their lives as Alpha and Luna of the Blood Mountain Pack.

But first, they had a small stop to make. The Memorial Tree was covered with all colors of the rainbow. Each ribbon was gently swaying with the breeze.

Jaci located a partially bare spot and tied the dark green ribbon to a branch. Derek Fenton's name was clearly visible, and the ribbon rippled as it swayed. She felt pangs of sadness as her mind drifted to memories she had of her favorite professor. He had done nothing wrong towards her, and it was hard for her to fully accept he had been an enemy in the end. She ran her fingers down the satiny ribbon and whispered her farewells to the professor who had come to mean so much to her.

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