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Derrick was praying that Fixer was sleeping, if the maniac slept at all, when he crept over to the room he was desperately hoping was Jaci's.

As he slowly opened the door, he breathed out a light sigh of relief and stepped into the room. Jaci was just as chaotic in her housekeeping as she was in her personality. Notebooks and clothes were strewn over her bed, some of her toiletry items were scattered on the dresser in front of the mirror.

He couldn't help but smile. Jaci had grown on him during the years she had been in his department. He now understood better the relationship Professor North had had with Sunny. Jaci felt like a daughter to him.

And the last thing he wanted was to see her get caught in the crossfire of this moronic expedition. If she got hurt, but those creatures or Fixer, he knew he would absolutely see red and lose it.

He sat down on her bed and picked up the nearest notebook. Despite the advances of technology, Jaci was really old-school. She still insisted on pen and paper.

He leaned through the pages and saw different notes on various myths and rumors. He dropped it back to the bed since it held nothing of note to him. He picked up the next one and inside was something far more interesting.

Korean Travel Log - Entry 2

Today I met the most amazing people, I should say beings, ever. I trekked up Blood Mountain and apparently a vampire hit me on the head and knocked me out.

Derrick's hackles bristled but he swallowed his ire and continued reading.

I should be upset about that, but because of it I was able to meet THE KIMS. Taehyung and Sunny Kim! I really can't even believe it myself. I will probably be pinching myself for a few days.

To be honest, they weren't the terrifying creatures I was expecting. Yes, my research has shown me that much of our preconceived notions are ill conceived, but they were kind, and rightfully wary of me at first. Sunny really stood up for me. I have a lot of respect for her. She is amazing. Not only that, I also met a werewolf! He stayed in his wolf form for most of the encounter but I didn't mind. I really wish I could have gotten my hands into that silky hair though. Maybe some other time. I guess I need to get to bed. I get to interview Taehyung tomorrow. He's so old! I have so many questions for him.

The entry ended and Derrick sat staring at it sadly. The handwriting was a little sloppier than Jaci normally wrote, probably because of her excitement. He sighed and closed the book. He shoved it between the mattress and the springs, hoping Fixer hadn't already seen it. He wanted anything that indicated where Jaci was to be kept from that psycho.

Derrick stood to his feet and returned to his room, being as quiet as he could. Tomorrow they would begin watching the mountain and slowly make their way up day by day to get a feel for its residents.

He did not relish in this excursion at all, despite what his instincts were telling him. He mentally loathed having been born a Hunter. The Hunter instincts for sensing the supernatural, and an almost overwhelming desire to kill whatever he found, was something that he would always fight with for the rest of his extended life.

But the fight was exhausting and his will to keep at it was dwindling.


Jaci felt her neck burn as she turned her head towards the warmth against her arm. It was still dark, and she was unable to focus her eyes well, but she could tell it was something heavy resting against her arm.

She blinked and rubbed her eyes with her free hand, being careful not to move her arm. With eyes now focused better, she looked back over to see a head of dark hair laying against her.

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