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Valentino's Pov:

I button my jacket and run my hand through my hair one more time. Despite my attempt, I know I look sloppier than I ever have walking through these doors. This is business, and I never let my personal life impede my business.

It doesn't matter, though, since my office has an en suite bathroom, and I keep a few changes of clothes stashed here in case I need to spend the night.

Alexander follows me through the locked door down the long corridor that leads to the fighting ring and into the offices I keep there for myself and my men to use as needed. The casino usually runs itself, requiring minimal oversight from me. Alexander keeps things going as needed with help from Maurizio when necessary.

I enter my office, and Alexander closes the door behind him. "I thought you could use some work. A few things have piled up. Maybe you can take care of them, and I can take a break for once."
I snort and remove my jacket and my shirt. First, a shower and shave. Once I feel more like myself, maybe a solution will come to mind. Even if it's a pretty fantasy... there are no solutions to your girl friend having taken part in your mother's murder.

Alexander throws his long frame into the chair opposite the desk and pulls a few files to the edge. "I'll be here when you're done cleaning up," he says, already absorbed in whatever he's reading.

I scan the cuts and bruises on his face, and a fresh wave of guilt chomps through my gut. He's always here for me, even when I forget myself and beat him for his loyalty. But I can't apologize. I don't apologize.

The guilt feels heavier by the second. I head into the bathroom, finish stripping, and quickly shower. I took one with Viviana, but at the time, I didn't finish taking care of my usual needs. Especially cleaning up some of the stubble on my chin.

The orgasm I'd had, marking her with my cum, hadn't been satisfying in the least. It had felt more like a punishment than a pleasure.

I consider taking myself in hand, but I don't want to leave Alexander out there waiting while I beat off. And besides, fantasies of Viviana fill my head, but I don't feel comfortable with them, not while things are broken between us.
What's worse is, I don't know if they ever can be mended. Not after what she revealed and what I've done to keep her safe. The high table has me in their crosshairs; the bullet is loaded, and they are simply waiting for the final breath before they pull the trigger. When they take a shot, they usually hit the mark dead on.

I have no intention of being their next hit. Nor will I allow Viviana to get on their radar any more than she already is.

I shove thoughts of their assassins coming for my Angel out of my mind and finish dressing.

Once I'm presentable, I step into the office and survey the stack of papers across the desk. Alexander has his own office here, but it looks like he's been using mine for a while.
"What's all this?"
Alexander waves the folder toward the files. "Security updates, hiring forms, more security updates. With these fucking hackers running around, we have to outrace them to keep everything secure."

I sit in the chair and grab the closest file. "I don't know what you're talking about. You are 'these damn hackers,' and I bet you design something that will keep everything safe."

Despite the heavy weight of his gaze on me, I keep my head down, reading the file. After arguing with him for months, he's probably shocked that I've said something encouraging.
"I don't have time for that shit. It's not my job to chase down teenagers who are too caught up in their own ego to get an actual job and avoid jail time."

I simply nod and snap the folder shut. As he said... it's a detailed document about installing security scanners to keep weapons out of the casino. "What about the fight ring? Adding anything new down there?"

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