Bakugo was the first one.

Y/n was talking to Izuku, who was next to her (at the other pair of seats of the bus, Y/n was sitting next to Bakugo and Bakugo next to the window at his left side) when suddenly she felt something hit her shoulder softly.

She turned to look and Izuku was just as amazed as she.

"Bakugo had fallen asleep on Y/n's shoulder!"

^ The people who saw it thought ^
Some minutes later, Izuku and Y/n were slumbering.

And when they least noticed, they were already asleep.

Y/n's head on Bakugo's.

But this time, nobody saw it.


When they finally arrived, Y/n was awake and reading something at her phone.

Just scrolling down, nothing really caught her attention.

Bakugo Katsuki: "I like those flowers"

Y/n: "oh my-when the hell did you wake up?!"

Bakugo Katsuki: "just now"

Y/n: "mhm, ok"

Bakugo didn't move from his position.

Aizawa walked to the seats and woke up the others.
Everyone was now standing in the entrance of the U.S.J. admiring many types of weather and mini buildings could be in such place.

Bakugo Katsuki: "woah"

Izuku Midoriya: "woah"

They said at the same time.

Izuku turned his head to look at Bakugo who was also looking at him.

Sparkles on their eyes.

Izuku was so, so, but sooo happy to finally see Bakugo smiling like now and not just criticize each move someone did.

As they were about to start running and explore the place, the Pro-hero Thirteen appeared out of nowhere infront of the class.

Causing Bakugo and Midoriya to stop.

Thirteen: "slow down, and, hello budies! I'm almost sure you know who I am"

Izuku Midoriya: "Pro-hero Thirteen!"

Bakugo Katsuki: ""Pro-hero Thirteen!"

Again, said it at the same time.

Thirteen: "yep! And today I'll help you with your quirks in this place at different weathers, as many of you have already seen"
Suddenly they were interrupted by the sound of a...broken fountain?

When did that happen?!
But in less than a second, big and purple portals started appearing infront of the fountain at the center of the U.S.J.

Y/n: "I-I-think that wasn't part of the training"

Thirteen: "Aizawa! Take them back to the school!"


When they tried running, it was too late, the door was closed and another big portal formed infront of the class.

Shigaraki Tomura: "you're not going anywhere, heroes in training"

Shigaraki walked in the portal infront of the class, blocking a way to exit; with Kurogiri at his back.

Y/n was less than a meter infront of Shigaraki, paralized, fearfully.

She was the one closer to them, since she ran faster than the class to try and open the door.

But now it looked like she would be the first to die.

Shigaraki was slowly raising his hand to Y/n's neck.

Y/n was still paralized but the class started running closer.

While Kurogiri walked next to Shigaraki and warped everyone in a portal, the one missing was Bakugo, who protected himself making bombs to the portals and some directed to them, failing.

Now everyone was scattered.

Bakugo flew to Y/n, making as many explotions his hands let him.

But failing to catch Y/n before Shigaraki placed his four fingers on her neck.

Bakugo stopped and stepped back a bit.

Shigaraki made Y/n turn to look at Katsuki, who was freeze from the nervousness.

Y/n analized the situation once more and tried recognizing quirk from all over the place and where did they came from to have a guess of who was where.

At the last second Y/n winked at Bakugo.

Shigaraki Tomura: "so now, look at me! Where is All Might?!"

Y/n didn't answer and this made Tomura get mad.

He slapped her with four fingers of his other hand.

She didn't miss a second and when her face was looking at other side due to the hit, took him by surprise punching him in the stomach with his foot.

Shigaraki Tomura: "ugh! Stupid-

He was cut off by Y/n using her quirk on him.

She started punching him and Shigaraki didn't respond, neither Kurogiri, who was soon been attacked by explosions from Bakugo.

Kurogiri started creating some portals to take Bakugo away, but he didn't fall in any.

When things were turning good for the heroes...

Y/n had a little problem, confusing who was in a trance between Kurogiri and Shigaraki, placing Kurogiri in a trance but Shigaraki free of it.

The worst was;

Shigaraki's hand somehow reached at an incredible fast speed Y/n's neck just when she realized her mistake.

But this time, it seemed Shigaraki wouldn't just place four fingers; he'd place his whole hand.

Thank you for readinf this 1208 words!

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