The other Sides nodded along with Logan's explanation.

"You all are a bunch of idiots. I'd murder you all if I was Janus. It would be the least you'd deserve." Remus said, from behind the group having crept up as they discussed Janus's condition. He looked pissed and was holding the wrist with the metal around it, as if trying to hold himself from acting out.

"I'd watch it Remus. Remember you act out one more time, you get locked away again." Roman cautioned, his brother. The others, looking wary in case the Duke acted on his words.

"But that's why I moved them over, so no one would have to deal with this Side anymore. Light Sides and Dark Sides don't need to exist anymore!" Thomas insisted, trying to move away from the Dukes words. Trying to get back to discussing how they get Janus and everything back to normal.

The Duke scoffed as they started the pity party again, before storming his way back to Janus's room, without them. He didn't want to hear anything they had to say. All Janus ever wanted; whether the Snake Side would ever admit it or not, was to have Thomas to truly accept him. Remus could understand that feeling. The Duke didn't really care if he was accepted or not, but Janus did to much for the sake of Thomas to not be accepted. It hurt him to see the Deceitful Side with a hole in his chest, but it also excited him. However, he knew that no matter how much he wanted to test the boundaries and maybe annoy Janus back to his normal self; although he wasn't so sure if that would work anyway, to not do any of the stuff that felt natural to him. Janus was hurt and Remus was determine to return the favor for all the time Janus took care of him.

"Jan, please wake up. Don't lock me up okay?" He pleaded, as he stood over the bed, the Snake Side laid on. Still as a corpse.

"Poor, Intrussssive Thoughtsss." Janus's voice spoke, sickly sweet as and greenish yellow version of him cover in scales appeared, casting the room in the glow. "No one lissstensss do they? But maybe itsss a good thing their ssstuck too, right?" The fully scaled phantom Janus asked, circling Remus, who was listening. It was good that Janus was able to still work and obviously this part of him had work for Remus to do. The fully scaled version of Janus stopped right in front of the Duke, with a slick confident smile on his face. "Not that we need them here. They think I need their help. What they don't realize, isss that I got you. You will watch over me, won't you?" Janus hissed sweetly. I don't want thossse pesssky Light Sssidesss to enter my room. Underssstand?"

Remus smiled, and stroked the scaled face of Janus. "Damn your so sexy when your all scaly and evil." He held up his wrist with the metal band on his wrist. "Now what about this, my slithering Noodle. I thought you weren't into kinks like that?"

"Oh, darling. You know I never mean sssuch thingsss. I'll take it off, if you help me." He assured, with a sly smile.

Remus, smiled back. He loved it when Janus played into his Snake self. It was a turn on for the Duke. And whenever Janus acted more Snake than well, civilized, it was always a promise of fun. This Janus was planning something. "Deal." He agreed.

"Fantassstic." The scaly Deceitful hissed as he vanished.

The door to the room slamming shut with a click of the lock.

Remus let out a cackle of anticipation and dropped to the floor in front of the bed that held his sleeping Snake. Janus wanted him to watch. Then Remus was going to sit and watch.


For like two seconds.

"Ugh Fuck! Being a guard is boring!!" He groaned, letting his head fall back on the bed and looked at the Deceitful Sides body, with wide eyes. "Hmm...." He hummed in thought, as his many thoughts raced to the surface.

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