"Good! You got it right!" I exclaimed as Luna walked into the room with a plate full of pancakes in her hands.

"What's going on?" She seemed confused.

"Oh, uhh," Sky stuttered.

"I was just helping her with a hard problem and she got it."

"Okay. I guess," she answered, still confused.

"We're almost done," I told her.

"Okay. Sky, are pancakes okay?"

"Yeah, that sounds good."

"Okay. Here's the plate. We're sharing though."


"Anyway Sky," I said, "Let's do the problem 9+4. Use my fingers when you need them." I told her.

"Okay," she answered as Luna sat down on the bed to watch what we were doing.

Sky put 9 on her fingers, then started doing what I told her to do, counting up 1 on hers, then 3 on mine.

"So the answer is," She thought for a moment, "13!"

"Yep, good job. Okay, write it down on the paper.

"Now for the last one. 8+6. Go ahead Sky."

She put up 8 then counted 2 on her fingers and 4 more on mine.

"So the answer is 14!"

"Yep, good job. You're even getting faster," I said as she wrote it down.

"Is there a back of the worksheet?"

"Yes, but we weren't supposed to do it."

"Okay, then are you going to bed? It's already about 10:30. Luckily, you can sleep in tomorrow morning."

"Okay, fine."

She got her pj's on, finished her pancake, and climbed into bed. Luna got into bed as well, then asked what I was doing when I didn't get into bed as well.

"I still have to do my nightly routine," I told her. I just had to take my makeup off and brush my teeth. She nodded, and I went to do that.

I came back in a few minutes later, and saw that Sky was already asleep. Luna was doing something on her phone. I got into bed, deciding to read a little before bed. I opened my book, and read two chapters. I closed my book, knowing I should go to sleep, but I wasn't very tired. I decided to lay there until I finally fell asleep a while later.

I ended up going to sleep around 11:00 or 11:30. Luna seemed to fall asleep about when I did.


I woke up around 6:45. Luna was already awake and probably downstairs, while Sky was still sound asleep.

I didn't hear anyone so I guessed just Luna was up. I walked down the stairs and realized that I had guessed correctly.

"Hey. How long have you been up?" I asked her.

"About 5:30."


"Yeah, why?"

"I don't know. Just wondering," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"So, did you read the letter from Shadow?" she asked.

I nodded, thinking back to what it said.

"What did it mean by just like your parents were? How did they know?" she wondered aloud.

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