Wednesday, Febuary 2nd

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I was at this fair, and had to create a new ride to attract people. I created a spinning ride, it was ryan's toy review themed, which made a lot of kids want to ride it. I went to the middle of the fair, there was a prayer circle, Justin Bieber was there, I held his hand joining in the praying circle. The woman next to him gave me a dirty look. After they were done praying, Justin and I hugged. The best hug ever, I was snuggled into him, like a bear hug.

I went behind the rides, there was a guy about to attack me and the other dude there. I ran, hiding in a changing room with other girls I assume were hiding. I ran back to where the man was when it became safe, he turned into a bag of frozen corn on the cob. I appeared in a walmart, running holding the corn yelling "I need an ambulance" on the top of my lungs. I ended up where the carts are supposed to go, abby lee miller asked me if this stick smelt like weed and i said yes, she told me she was smoking.

I also got hit by someone i knew on a ride, and was looking for clothes at walmart but they had none in my size?

(I was half asleep half awake when i was yelling for an ambulance, I was basically telling myself not to scream in my sleep like i was in my dream)

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