Chapter 1: The Nutcracker

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Chapter 1: The Nutcracker

Bare feet touch the sands as two lovers walk along the wide stretch of the shores. The moon is bright against the clear, cloudless and starless skies. The ocean is calm, the waves lapping gently against the edge of the coast. It is a fairly calm night and Samantha relishes at the feel of his hands entwined with hers as they trudge away from the noise and hustle of the island party. They wanted a little solitude and solitude they got, away from the rest of the world.

For quite some time, she wondered what exactly drew her to Eric but even then, at that moment, she had no answer. She didn't know what about him that caught her sight but she knew exactly why she chose to remain, and in turn, share with him her soul. The man beside her is of a few words. Or so what other people keep on telling her. But with her, he isn't anything like that. Or at least, not all the time. He would tell her everything, from the silliest hiccups he's had from the day to the grandest of schemes he had plotted that had finally come to fruition— everything. He, on the other hand, pays attention to the most fleeting of things one may consider insignificant. It could be the way she would place the bookmark in the book she has been reading or the way she takes her coffee— the little things.

She often finds herself chuckling at the irony of things. She is living a life straight out of the whole bringing out the best in each other cliche, but what could she do when it is what it is? He does bring out the best of her and every day, he makes her want to be a better person. But he would always refute that by saying that if she wants to be a better person, she would have to do it for herself and not for him because he loves her— the good, the bad, and everything in between. But he does the exact same thing. He does not know but she hears his prayers. She knows that there is nothing more he is asking than for him to be a man deserving of her. She thinks it ought to be the other way around. But that's exactly why they work. They never take and take until one is spent. Neither gives and gives until there is nothing left to give. Together, they share the load, taking part of the burden so neither has to carry it alone. What the other lacks, the other provides. What the other needs, the other helps with. It's almost utopic to think that it is possible but it is the life they are living and she wants nothing more. Except maybe finally get married and have a few kids down the years.

The thought of a little Eric running around being chased by Eric has been a recurring dream, one she would always go back to sleep for. She could see them spending sleepless nights together by the nursery, taking turns rocking the teething baby. She could almost feel how gratifying it is to spend each Sunday with him behind the stove, whipping up waffles in the most dramatic way to make the kids giggle. She could see them building a family.

And then a thought crosses her mind. She didn't need to wait for years to build a family with him. Not when they already have one. They are each other's family. The thought draws a small smile across her face. The same smile did not escape his notice.

"Having fun, Langga?" he murmurs softly. He unclasps his hand from hers and wraps an arm around her shoulder.

She leans against him, letting herself be lost in the musk that is the mixture of cedar, pine and something quintessentially Eric. "I am," she replies curtly, she didn't have to elaborate in words of grandeur the serenity that is engulfing her with just the two of them walking side by side.

"Penny for your thoughts?" he whispers, causing her to chuckle because he knows all too well when her thoughts are becoming too loud for her head.

She shakes her head and decides to divert the conversation. "I really like it here, Langga."

"I could hear a 'but' coming."

She hums in agreement. "But it's too humid. Actually, scratch that. Mainit talaga lately especially since it's summer. It doesn't help either na my hair is too long," she rambles. "What if I cut it?"

His eyes widened. "But Ga," he protests in a whiny voice.


"I like your hair."

She stops them on their tracks and loops her arms around his neck. "You do, huh?"

He nods with a grin and brushes his nose against the tip of hers. "You're so pretty with long hair."

She scoffs and rolls her eyes at him playfully. "So I won't be pretty if I have a pixie cut?"

"That's not what I meant!" He shakes his head pleadingly.

She chuckles. "Of course not," she lets up her joke and steps on her toes to plant a chase kiss against his lips. "So when can I have my hair cut then, Mister?" she jests, still clinging at him.

He grins roguishly. "When we separate, which is NEVER gonna happen," he declares and captures her lips in a kiss that makes her feel warm all over.

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