Chapter 13

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It's a few days later, Everything between me and Ash has been weird but we've tried not to bring it up anymore. Also, things between me and Callum have been, I guess okay.

Still waiting for him to break up with Claire like he said he would do though.

"You still haven't opened any of your gifts?" My mom walks into my room and notices all of the presents sitting in the corner of my room.

"I haven't had any time, I was busy with school and homework, and other things."

"Okay, well I really want you to open them, there's a lot of good gifts from everyone that you'll love." She smiles "I know this is none of my business but is everything okay with you and Ash?"

"Yeah, we just got into this stupid argument but we're okay now, I guess."

"Okay, I'm just making sure, if you ever need to talk about anything then please just let me know, okay?"


"Good, I'll see you later." She leaves the room.

I stand and walks over to my gifts, I look through them grabbing Claire's gift, I remove the paper, and inside was a beautiful purse, it looked like it was expensive too.

There was also a note inside too, I pull it out and begins reading it "Happy birthday Jasmine, I hope you enjoy your special day and I'm glad I have you as a friend, I love you." I close the card "Well, that was cute." I put the purse back into the bag then begins looking through my other gifts.

My mom bought me lots of makeup, perfume, and clothes, inside the bag was also $200. I open Ash's gift next, it was a polaroid camera, the same one I've been saying that I wanted for years.

"Aw." I put the camera back into the box then stands and leaves the room, I walk down the hall to Ash's room and knocks.

He opens the door "Oh hey."

"Hey, I just wanted to thank you for the gift, you got me the exact camera I wanted to." I lean in hugging him.

"Of course" He hugs me back "I knew you loved it so I had to get you it."

"Thank you, I love you." I smile.

"I love you too."

"Hey, do you wanna go get some lunch? I'll pay."

"No thanks, I was just about to take a nap but thank you for the offer."

"Okay, well I guess I'll just talk to you later." I walk off and back to my room.


It's about 3 hours later, I'm in my room watching some TV then all of a sudden my door opens and Callum walks inside.

"You could knock ya know."

"I just wanted to let you know that I broke up with Claire." He walks over to my bed and sits.


"Yeah, we were arguing for the last hour until I decided to just get up and leave."

"That sucks." I sit down next to him "I'm sorry about that."

"I'm okay with it, because now I can focus all my time on you"

"That's cute." I smile and I lean in kissing him.

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