Chapter 9

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I wake up around 11 am, I get out of bed and walks to the bathroom using it, once I'm done I walk downstairs to see if anyone was up, no one was.

I grab myself a water bottle from the fridge then walks out to the backyard, it felt nice so I might just get in the pool. I set my water on the table then walks back inside and upstairs to my room.

I get undressed then grabs myself a swimsuit and slips into it, I grab my phone and towel then leaves my room and walks back downstairs and into the backyard. I take a few sips of water from my bottle and sets my phone and towel down on the ground then jumps into the pool and begins swimming around.

I swim around for a while then my phone begins to ring, I swim over to it and wipes my hands off on the towel then picks it up, Ash was calling me on FaceTime so I answer.

"Hey there handsome." I smile.

"Hey, I have some good news, I'm coming to see you on your birthday."

"Aw, I can't wait to see you, I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, I know it's only been a little while but I still miss you, school sucks now without you."

"At first I was missing Atlanta but I'm getting used to living here sort of, I made some new friends already and my room is so much bigger, there's nothing to complain about."

The back door opens and Callum walks out "There you are."

"You've been looking for me?" I smile.

"I heard you leave your room but I thought you were in the bathroom or something." He walks towards me "Having fun?"

"Jasmine, are you busy?" Ash speaks up.

"Sorry, I was talking to Callum."

"My bad," Callum whispers and takes a seat at the table.

"Oh, Well I guess I could always talk to you later."

"Alright, I love you."

"I love you too." He hangs up the phone and I set my phone back down.

"So that is your boyfriend then?" He sips his drink.

"No, that's my best friend."

"Oh, well you wouldn't mind me joining you?"

"This is your house, do whatever you want."

He strips down to his drawers and I couldn't keep my eyes off of his fit body, I just wanted to lick whipped cream off of him.

He jumps into the water with me "Damn This shit is cold."

"What'd you expect" I laugh.

We swim around for a few "I know this is none of my business but do you actually see something working out with you and Skye?"

"I mean I don't know, there could be something there but I don't feel 100% about her so I don't just wanna waste her time."

"What, is there someone else?" He smirks at me.

For some reason, I felt like he wanted me to let him know that I sort of liked him.

"Maybe there is, maybe there isn't." I laugh.

"Have you ever been in love with anyone before?"

"I've never been in a serious relationship before so no I haven't, have you ever been in love?"

"If I'm being honest no, and I've been in a couple of relationships, I just can't seem to find the right one for me, ya know?"

"Yeah, I feel the same way, I've just been having some boys try to use me for my body and that sucks, I want someone to love me for me and not just my looks."

"I mean obviously you have a nice body and a beautiful face but your personality is also great, any man should be lucky to have a girl like you." He swims closer to me.

"You're sweet." I find myself blushing, I turn away from him and starts to swim away.

"Well anyway, I was going out with a couple of friends tomorrow and I wanted to know if you wanna come along, we're just going out to eat."

"Sounds nice but I might be busy."

"Oh okay, well if you change your mind just let me know."

"What time did Claire leave this morning?"

"She actually left last night, she was way too drunk so I just drove her home."

"Oh," I hop out of the pool and sits on the ledge.

"Yeah, she was just pissing me off and trying to start an argument about something stupid." He finishes off the rest of his drink then sits down next to me.

"About what?"

"We were actually arguing about you."

"Oh?" I was shocked, why would they be talking about me?

"She was just drunk and saying some stupid shit, forget about it."

"Okay." I look down at my feet kicking them in the pool.

"I've got a question, how do you feel about me?"

"What do you mean?"

I knew exactly what he meant, I just wanted him to say it.

"You know what I mean" He chuckles "Personality-wise? First impression?"

"I mean when I first met you I thought you were gonna be a dick but you're actually not, you're sweet and kind, and you're fun to be around." I smile.

"Thank you, and looks-wise?" He smirks.

"Well obviously you're an attractive guy, you have every quality a woman would love in a man"

"Oh really?" He leans a little bit closer.


He grabs under my chin pulling my face closer and leans in kissing me.

I was shocked, I didn't expect him to do that but it was the best kiss I've ever had.

He pulls away "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He scoots away from me.

"It's okay"

"No, it's not, I shouldn't have done that plus I have a girlfriend." He stands "I'm sorry, I've had way too many drinks, just forget that I ever did that." He grabs his clothes and walks back inside.

Fuck, what if I didn't want to forget? I've been thinking about kissing those soft lips ever since I laid eyes on him.

I sighed and climbed to my feet to make my way back to my room.

Madly in loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن