Years (Taehyung)

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Sasaengs are really something else. Taehyung really wonders how she even managed to slip here unnoticed. "Years of waiting for the right moment" she says. Years. At this point, he hopes that Hobi changes his mind. He can't stay in this car any longer and she clearly doesn't care. Please, hyung, I'm sorry. He screws his eyes closed tightly but she won't let him. A gentle scold and the growing pressure of the knife against his throat is enough to make him look. She's straddling him at that point, sitting on his lap and staring. Her gaze is unsettling, obsessed and dark, and Taehynug can't help but recoil slightly.

"You're so pretty," she says. "I don't don't know if I want to keep you or hurt you-"


He doesn't know what he's begging for. He wants it to stop, he wants to leave, he wants to feel safe. The girl doesn't say much, she doesn't move too much either. Despite the silence, it's like her presence is sucking the air from Taehyung's lungs and he can't stop himself from shaking under her thighs. He can't tell if she's about to kidnap him or murder him, and there's something weirdly sexual about the whole thing. Please, hyung. Please save me. It's not long before a silent sob escapes his lips.

"See? So pretty... even when you cry." she says as she raises the knife to his cheek, pressing harder and harder until the skin breaks and she draws blood. Taehyung winces as tears quietly roll down on the fresh cut.

"Y-you're hurting me..." he mumbles, eyes avoiding hers.

"What a shame! I'll kiss it better then."

Lips meet his hot cheeks and withdraw covered in his blood. He looks back up to stare at her deranged smile, swallowing the nausea that's making its way up. He wonders if that's what Jimin felt like when a man grabbed him years ago. He feels powerless and disgusted, and his mind is spinning. I hate it. A shudder passes through him. He really can't move with that knife still pressed under his eye. He only watches as her left hand comes to play with the hem of his shirt, before the door is thrown open, startling them both.

Hoseok's POV.

He screams out of fear and surprise. Not even a second later and acting on pure instincts, his right fist meets the sasaeng's face in a successful blow. How he manages it, Hobi doesn't know. He's pretty sure his eyes closed on their own when he hit her, because a voice inside of him tells him to look at his dongsaeng and he has to open them to check on him. Taehyung hasn't moved, his hands are frozen mid air in front of him while he stares at the limp woman on top of him. Shit.

"I- ANYONE? We need help here! She-" he points a finger at the open car door and the poor frightened singer. That's when Hobi notices the blood. "Tae? Taehyung-ah, are you ok?"

"Hobi-hyung?" the singer murmurs while the assailant is dragged out of the vehicle by security, out cold.

"You're bleeding, are you ok?" he repeats.

"I didn't invite her here, I swear -hyung! I wasn't, w-wasn't-"

"Taetae, baby, I didn't think you did." he replies gently, grabbing the younger's hand. "I'm not mad at you for earlier either, I was coming down to apologise... are you hurt anywhere else?"

"Is he ok?!" he hears a voice call out. Jin-hyung? What is he doing here...

"What happened?!" shouts Namjoon, running behind with the five other members. They seem worried and out of breath, like they just ran down from the shoot and Hobi realises that that's most likely what happened. News travel fast.

"Sasaeng." Taehyung mutters.

They don't say much after that. Jimin hugs his soulmate like there's no tomorrow and they're led to a private room to wait for the medic. It takes a little longer before Hobi registers just what had happened. He lets relief wash over him as he realises that much worse could have happened to his dongsaeng if he had been too proud to go and apologise to him. He curses under his breath. He almost didn't... At least he's safe now. When the staff finally gets there, they're asked to wait outside and he lets himself slide to the ground lazily. Only Jimin stays with Taehyung.

"Wait, did you hit her?" asks Yoongi, grabbing his hand from where it rested on the floor. "You? You did!"

"Hobi-hyung punched her?!" suddenly repeats Jungkook.

"I- Maybe?"

"Hobi, I'm glad you did it... I would have done it if I were in your place too." replies Yoongi softly. "But... Does it hurt? Your knuckles are all bruised..."

He can feel the sharp pain settling between his bones as Yoongi brushes a gentle finger over his swollen hand. He stares at it in surprise, quite proud of the way he acted although he can't take much credit for it. He didn't know he was hitting her when he did. Hoseok shakes his head. He is passed an icepack and he looks up at the person standing in front of them, handing it to him. Namjoon simply nods in a silent "thank you". To his left, he can hear the maknae mumbles something about him being the coolest. He smiles.

When Taehyung walks out with his fellow '95 liner, he stands up in anticipation. Jimin confirms that everything is ok with the younger member, and they all breathe out in relief. The injured man assures him that he's ok. That he was mostly scared. Hobi doesn't expect the arms that wrap themselves around him but he welcomes the touch and hugs Taeyung back, hand caressing his back in smooth circles.

"Thanks, hyung."

"Anytime. No- scratch that! Never again." he corrects himself, making everyone laugh. "But you're welcome."

"I- sorry about earlier... I know you said you weren't mad but I really didn't mean it."

Hobi doesn't reply but he can read in Taehyung's eyes that the younger one knows. Of course he forgives him. After today's events, it really doesn't matter anyways. Slowly, more arms wrap themselves around the two of them, along with an icepack being pressed on his hand. Yoongi smiles at him and pets his head quickly before looking away. Jin screams "group hug" from somewhere and Hobi fbursts out laughing. He feels much better already, and it seems that Taehyung feels the same. Screw sasaengs. Nothing can break this.

Bts sickfics, hurt & comfortTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang