Chapter 3 - Mo'nazar: Domination

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"Mo'nazar." The word echoed in his head as he began hallucinating at the glimpse of his mother's corpse. He couldn't feel anything or see anything except for the sorry sight laying below him.

"Let go of me!" he could hear in another echo, getting further and further away. He trying to imagine how his parents could've been killed and how it all would've played out, but he couldn't focus enough to think of anything clearly.

"Mo'nazar!!!" The word began to echo progressively louder in his head until finally he snapped out of it.

"Dexpa?" Mo'nazar called out, searching for his best friend in the room. Peering at his father's corpse, he spotted the necromancer amulet resting in his hand.

He walked over and picked it up, wondering why his father's body was keeping it so close. He then ran over to the front door to look outside and understand his situation.

He spotted Dexpa and Jo'navir in a distance, running away from the village. They were heading for the entrance to the Fringe, trying to get away from the chaos.

Devastated, Mo'nazar could barely get out the words, "Don't leave me..." but they couldn't hear him. He took a step out of the house ready to make a sprint for his friends but was immediately cut off by a crystal knight who stepped in the way of him.

It began swinging its sword for Mo'nazar's body, forcing him to jump back into the house to avoid the attack. He fell on his back inside, dropping the strange amulet on the ground behind him. The knight's sword was lodged deep into the door frame.

The knight was preoccupied trying to unstick its sword. Mo'nazar took this chance to grab the amulet and make a dash for a place to hide.

"The hatch," he thought to himself, noticing the cellar opening on the floor that his parents considered forbidden.

To his surprise, the hatch was wide open now as if there was an explosion inside, blowing the hatch door outwards and shredding it to pieces across the floor above.

The crystal knight successfully pulled its sword away from the door, wielding it once more and continuing to make its way towards Mo'nazar. Thinking quickly, he jumped down the hatch looking around for another escape, but there was none. He could hear the knight's footsteps above getting closer by the second.

"Think, come on, think!!!" he shouted at himself desperately. Next to the entrance, he could see a bookshelf filled with suspicious books in it. Mo'nazar observed the shelf, realizing it was probably wide enough to block the entrance, so he approached it and began throwing the books out and onto the ground, taking some weight out of it.

After the books were all out, he grabbed the bookshelf and started sliding it over the hatch entrance. He could see the crystal knight right above him swinging its sword for his fingers as his slid it into place. But he managed to block it off just before it could do so, preventing the knight from entering the cellar.

Mo'nazar stepped back in shock, waiting to see if it would hold. In the next moment, could hear the knight slicing into the top of the bookshelf, slowly carving out an opening for it to jump through.

Mo'nazar's could feel his limbs start to shake. He checked around the room again, noticing the books he threw to the ground. He started sorting through them looking for something that he might be able to use. "I need a spell. Please! Anything!" he screamed to himself, throwing aside the books that he didn't need.

"I'll use this," he said opening a book titled "Conjuration: Bone Colossus."

He checked around the hatch room now noticing the other things that sat within it. There was a summoning circle in the middle with blood surrounding it on the floor and walls. And there were multiple purple gems spread around the room which he'd never seen before.

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