Chapter 1 - Dexpa: Madness

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For a few seconds, Dexpa's body went numb and all he could see was pure white light, but he soon regained his senses.

"What happened?" he asked himself, looking at his claws and everything else that stood in front of his field of vision. He noticed that the staff and mask he found remained with him, but no scroll and no Jo'navir.

He looked around himself, seeing grass and dirt behind himself, and in front, he saw snow covered mountains and paths carved with gravel roads. One path straight ahead of him lead directly into a town made of stone and wood. As he made his way towards the town, he spotted a sign outside the gates.


Admiring the sturdy architecture of the city, Dexpa walked around for several minutes, noticing people with green skin and sharp under-biting teeth lining the city streets. There were Braziers at every corner, and complex wooden structures that he had never seen before attached to every other stone structure. It was massive compared to the village that he grew up in.

Eventually he found himself at an inn labeled "The King's Cornerclub." Walking inside, he noticed the place was filled with tough green-skinned men and women all wearing silver, rocky armor with green tinted weapons holstered at their sides.

Though he was fearful of this new environment, his thoughts of looking for Jo'navir kept him determined. Enduring the judgmental stares at his frail mage body from the others around him, he continued towards the inside, where a woman sat behind a counter.

"Welcome to the King's Cornerclub! Can I get you anything to drink? Maybe a bed to sleep in?" asked the woman.

Dexpa paused in place for a second thinking he just walked into someone's house, wondering why the woman was being so suspiciously hospitable to him.

"You alright kid?" she asked, quickly realizing he looked lost. "I'm guessing you're not from these parts. If there's anything I can get you, just let me know. My name's Roxanne." She pointed to the tables around the inn, "Make yourself comfortable, there's plenty of seats."

After feeling slightly reassured, Dexpa sat down at a stool placed at the counter. "Actually, there is something," he added nervously.

Trying to think of what to ask, Dexpa began pondering what would be the best way to find his brother. He thought maybe finding the scroll would lead him to Jo'navir. It was a weak start, but he had to try. The young khajiit continued from where he left off.

"I'm looking for my brother, but we got separated after using some scroll that teleported us away. I'm not even sure what to ask at this point." He sat for a second looking down at the floor but brought his gaze back up to the Roxanne. "Do you know any rumors about a scroll with the ability to teleport?"

Multiple chairs began to audibly move and Dexpa could feel the stares again on the back of his neck. Roxanne looked surprised but concerned for Dexpa.

"None that I've heard of. But are you sure you should be meddling with that kind of stuff?" she said as politely as possible.

Dexpa, looking offended and confused began to speak again but was interrupted by a hand slamming on the counter next to him.

"I might know what you're looking for pal," said a voice practically breathing into Dexpa's ear as an arm reached around his shoulder to rest on it.

It was a man with green skin and huge biceps, along with his green-skinned goons who stood behind him each with their own unique smirk.

Roxanne looked annoyed at the men interrupting her conversation.

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