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Sorry for that cliffhanger guys and I'm sorry the last chapter was so short! I knew I wanted to end it with Travis's video, but I couldn't think of any ways to fill things in.

But this chapter is the normal length so yeah.

Also, I started a new fic titled fugl! So go read it if you like. It's just whatever.


"My name is Travis James Wright."

Travis. That was the name of the man I was talking about in my latest flashback. Could this be the same person?

"Now," Travis begins. "Some of you may have heard about some of the oddest deaths in recorded history. Some people have been found in front of their mirrors, drowned.

"You may be thinking, 'Oh, the killer just drowned them in the bathtub and dumped the body in front of the mirror.'

"Well, usually the victim has been dead for no more than 8 minutes, and the bathtub is completely dry, not a drop of water present. How could the killer drain the tub so quickly?

"I'm gonna let y'all in on a little secret..."

I leaned in a little closer, my face inches away from the screen.

"The killers are behind the mirrors." Travis says. "And I'm 98% sure I was one of them."

It is him.

"I have these memories..." Travis continues. "And I'm not even sure they're mine, but they're there."

Travis sighs, shaking his head. "I know I sound crazy right now, and maybe I am, but I can't shake this off..." He rubbed his chin.

"I see two guys in my dreams. I call them Kris and 24."

My eyes widened.

"I had a friend of mine draw them for me," Travis stands and is off-camera for a second, returning with a sketchbook. He hums as he flips through the pages.

"Aha!" He exclaims in victory. He turns over the sketchbook. "This is kind of what Kris looks like."

If my eyes got any wider, they'd fall out of my head. The drawing was almost an exact likeness of Kris, except the nose isn't as crooked.

Travis turns the page. "And here's 24."

That's me. With white hair and emerald eyes, like Kirstie said.

"If you see anyone who looks like them, please email me, and that's in the description box."

I scrolled down and wrote down his email.

How should I approach this?I thought as I stared at the blinking line waiting to write down the words I type.

I sigh and started typing.

I saw your YouTube video, and I can't tell you how excited it made me. You see, I experience the exact same thing, and I'm the one you call 24.

I attached a photo with the same facial expression as Travis's drawing.

I have a friend of mine who is like us as well, but you probably won't know her. Her name is Kirstie Maldonado, and I called her 25.

I attached a picture of Kirstie and a picture of my drawing.

Kirstie and I have been tossing around theories, and I was wondering if we could all meet up somehow.

Thank you.

-Mitch Grassi

I was too lazy to edit it, so I just hit send.

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