Remember the Casualty

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Happy Easter everyone! Or Passover if you're Jewish. Either way, I hope all of you are enjoying your weekend!

So here's a new chapter!


After my head clears Kirstie and I decide to take a break and join Scott, Kevin and Avi in the living room.

"Welcome back to the land of the living!" Scott says, smiling.

I rolled my eyes. "What are the living up to?"

"Apples to Apples." Avi replies. "All right the word is 'delicious.'"

"Dude, I have the perfect card!" Kevin cheers, slamming his red card in front of Avi.

Scott flips through his cards, swearing. "Whatever," He says, placing his card in front of Avi.

Avi shuffles the two cards. "All righty, let's see what sarcastic cards are in store this time. First one... 'George Bush.'"

Everyone looks at Scott, who shrugs.

"Ooookaaaay," Avi sighs. "Jeez, you'd think we were playing Cards Against Humanity. Second one," Avi's eyebrows shot up. "Barbecue," He reads in a low, seductive voice.

This earned a puzzled look from Kirstie.

"One thing you'll learn about Bass Cannon Kaplan, the man loves his barbecue." I whisper to her.

Kirstie nods, her lips shaped in an 'O.'

"Do I need to even say the answer?" Avi asks.

"I know, right?" Scott says, taking the green card.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding." Scott says when Kevin started yelling at him. "Here."

"Thank you," Kevin says courteously, taking the card from Scott.

"Who is this?" Kirstie asks suddenly, looking at a picture of Alex.

He was grinning, holding up two thumbs.

Scott but his lip. "That's Alex." He replies quietly. "He and I were together for a while. But he, uh, he died about a year and a half ago."

"Oh," Kirstie whispers. She puts down the picture frame as if it were contaminated. "I'm sorry, that's terrible."

"You're fine. It was rough at first but I'm okay now, I promise."


"That's it!" I exclaimed.

"What's it?" Kevin asks.

"Alex! He was found in front of his mirror, drowned."

Scott nods. "Yeah, I remember."

"Wait he drowned?" Kirstie asks. "And he was found in front of his mirror?"

I nodded. "You know how in that other world, there were Pools?"

"Yeah. In my flashback just now-"

"You had another flashback?" Scott inquires.

"CAN I FINISH MY SENTENCES?" I said, exasperated.

"Sorry. Continue." Scott replies.

I sigh and turn back to Kirstie. "In my flashback just a while back they were talking about shattering me."

"Alex said before he was killed that he was reading about people being found in front of their mirrors, drowned." Scott adds. "Then the next day he met the same fate." Scott looks down, licking his lips. "Mitch, do you think you killed Alex?"

I shook my head. "But that's impossible. The police called me about Alex, too. I was there at the funeral. I was a pallbearer like you."

Scott nods. "Yeah, that was a dumb assumption. I'm sorry, Mitch."

"It's all right, Scott," I assured him. "But..." I sighed. I'm about to tell him Alex may have been murdered. That a life so precious to him was unwillingly and unfairly taken. I lick my lips and let it out. "Alex was murdered. His death was no accident, Scott."

Scott nods, his Adam's apple bobbing. He lets out a shaky breath and closes his eyes. He opens them. "He didn't deserve it."

I shook my head. "No. He didn't. But we're gonna figure out who did it, and they'll regret laying a finger on Alex Kirk."


Yeah here's a mini update for your Easter Sunday/Passover/Whatever Thing You Celebrate =)


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