Do You Remember?

447 33 13

Hey, guys? What's up? Me? Well my allergies are murdering me but I'll be okay.

I hope.

Actually never mind I may have a sinus infection but anyway new chapter!


Kirstie and I sat down on her bed.

"Tell me about all of your flashbacks." I said.

Kirstie nods. "I started getting them when I was 14. I missed a lot of school because I was always passing out because of them.

"By the time I was 16, my mom pulled me out of public school and decided to homeschool me. It didn't help the flashbacks, but Mom could read 1984 to me or teach me about covalent bonds while I was in bed.

"Then I flew out to New York and applied to Berkley, sang a Backstreet Boys song, and got in.

"The flashbacks grew less frequent, but whenever they did come they hit me like a brick. One came when I was in the middle of class. I would miss at least 4 days of class they were so bad."

"But what did you see? Do you remember?"

"I remember my first one. I was dressed in this white, flowy dress. I was walking up an aisle, people all around me. You and Kris each had one of my arms. You two let me go and I walked up to this man shrouded in black robes. He takes out a dagger of some sort and starts cutting into my forearm."

My left forearm began to sting. I wince.

"Mitch, what is it?" Kirstie asks, examining my forearm. "There's nothing wrong that I can see,"

"I dunno, when you mentioned a blade cutting into your forearm, mine started hurting."

"Yours was cut into as well, maybe?" Kirstie suggests.

"I suppose. Continue."

"Right. It was really painful, about 6, 7 minutes of the man cutting me. When he was finally done, he mops up some of the blood. He had carved a word into my skin.


"I had no idea what it meant. The man lifts my wounded arm into the arm and the crowd starts cheering.

"Then the man in the black robes leans towards me and whispers in my ear."

I lean in a little, curiosity filling my entire being.

"'"Maudire" is French for "curse."'"

I straightened. "Curse?"

"Yes. That's when I woke up. And the funny thing was you continued to call me 25 except when other people are around."

"Does the me from your flashbacks love you?" I asked.

Kirstie smiles. "Yeah, he did. She loved you, too."

I smile. "Do you remember any other flashbacks?"

Kirstie nods. "I remember all of them. But I've had quite a few in the past 8 years."

"Are there any I should know about?"

Kirstie licks her lips.

I grow light-headed again. "Kirstie..." I mumble, grabbing her arm.

My eyes roll back and everything goes black.


I was writing in my journal. I hoped 25 would find it. I don't want my dream to become reality.

My door flew open, banging against the stone wall.

In two long steps 2 and 3 each grab one of my arms. A long streak of ink spreads across the paper.

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