I Should Be Sleeping

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I decided on a short update.

Just so you know.


"The word is 'cunning.'" I said.

Kevin, Scott and Avi put down their cards.


Kirstie was curled up beside me, hugging my Kururin plushie.

"Awww," I cooed.

Scott stood and scooped her up, causing Kururin to fall from her arms.

"Kururiiiiiiiiin," Kirstie moans, reaching.

I chuckled and handed her the plushie.

She smiles and laughs as she hugs Kururin. "I love you, Kururiiiiiiiiin!" She sang.

I turned around and saw Kevin and Avi passed out on the couch.

I smile. I walked over to the kitchen to look at the oven clock.

It's a quarter after 2.

I should get some sleep, but I wasn't tired yet.

Scott shuffled out from putting Kirstie in bed. "I'm gonna hit the hay," He announces, rubbing his right eye.

"All right. I'm gonna stay up for a while longer." I replied.

"You should sleep, Mitch."

"I know."

"Whatever you say," I heard Scott's footsteps fade out of ear shot.

I walked into my bedroom and flipped on the light. I grabbed my laptop, powered it up, and got on to Google.

"Bodies....found.....in front of......mirrors......." I spoke aloud as I typed.

One of the search results was the article announcing Alex's death. There were other articles announcing other's deaths.

But I saw a YouTube video come up.

Intrigued, I clicked on it.

A man sits down in front of his camera. "Is this working?"

He nods.

"My name is Travis James Wright."


*nervous chuckling* please don't hate me.

Hey, look at Kururin on the right! Look he's kawaii!

Please don't hate me.


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