A life stream

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As soon as Drake teleported back into the original theater he saw that it was calm and everyone were talking among themselves. Except the boys and Naofumi, they were roasting Riser above the campfire in the corner of the room, he snapped his fingers and everyone appeared in their seats and Riser exhaled in relief.

Drake: I don't want to know why you were doing that to Riser so lets just continue.

As he was about to continue Madden appeared next to him.

Madden: It's done boss.

Drake: Good job. Now tell me why did you leave them in the new world with him?

Madden: *starts sweating* Well, you see. Family reunion and happy life?

Drake: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Good enough. You can go now.

Madden: Ok then, but first.

She then kicked air but there was a red aura around her leg. Everyone heard a girly scream and a crack and they all looked at issei who was holding his balls in pain as Asia was healing him...it wasn't helping much and soon he passed out in his seat from pain. All of the guys grabbed their balls by pure instincts and Drake looked at Madden with an raised eyebrow.

Madden: What? He was checking me out and you know that I already have a girlfriend. Bye. *vanishes*

Drake: Ok so for you to know that was my assistant Madden. Now let's start, you'll see a moment where Y/N and some of the boys did a life stream.

Y/N: *in head*

The screen turned on and they saw Y/N, Mercury and Dabi sitting on a couch.

Y/N: Hello Twitch and YouTube, it's the boys and today as promised, a free stream. You can ask us questions or donate with a dare. All of the money will go to the charity. But before we start we have a special guest. Biscuit Oliva.

A ghost of Biscuit walks into the view of the camera and sits on a leather chair next to a couch.

Biscuit: Hello everyone.

Y/N: I pulled some string and Death allowed him to be here only for today. So, the donations will be open in 3.....2......1.......open.

Mercury: And immediately a 5 dollar donation from "imnotafurry" with a question, "how tall is Biscuit? because he seems hella tall" (he's 5'11 but imma make him taller)

Biscuit: Well the last time I checked I was 6'8. So pretty tall.

Mercury: God damn.

Y/N: A 10 dollar donation from "theallfather" with the question "what do you prefer in a woman boobs or ass?"

Biscuit: Soul so shut up.

Dabi: Don't care.

Mercury: Boobs.

Y/N: Thighs, if she can't give you a lap pillow then she goes bye bye.

Sirzech: Why do I have a feeling that I know who asked that?

Azazel: Who?

Sirzech: Odin.

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