17- late night drive ♡

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i finish the song and decide not to show anyone this time. this was just for me, to process my emotions. i decide to go downstairs and see what the others are doing. i walk down the stairs and see thomas on the phone pacing round the kitchen he looks slightly annoyed. "yeah i'll get back to you asap, thank you" he says hanging up. "everything okay?" i ask him grabbing a drink from the fridge. "y/n why have you not turned in the album?" he says slightly angry. fuck, the album. "well i haven't exactly had the time to go to the studio to work with dan" i say trying to defend myself. dan was a music producer, he produces conan and olivia's music and was the person that actually introduced us all to each other. he's the only person i could ever write music with. "there's no excuses anymore, if you don't go to the studio and work on them we'll have to pull the album" thomas says. to be honest, i'd much rather pull it than put them songs out now. i wrote majority of the songs whilst i was in love with jake or going through our breakup. i don't relate to them anymore, i'm a different person now. "let's pull it then" i say, shrugging like it' not a big deal. "what? you can't just pull the album!" thomas says getting louder. "you literally just said i can!" yeah but like it was more of a threat than an option" he says. "well i'll accept the consequences" i say making thomas even more angry. he tries to say something else but can't find the right word so just groans instead. "or if we can compromise with the label and move the release to further in the year and i'll start from scratch" i suggest. he seems a bit more relaxed now. "ugh, fine! but you better start working on it now and i'll get some sessions booked in with dan and you better go this time!" thomas says. thank god, there was no way i was releasing that album. he walks away, making the call back to the label. 

we spend the afternoon filming tiktoks for the hype houses account. vinnie wasn't in them as he was streaming but still all the comments were about us dating. after about 2 hours of making tiktoks and being in everyone's vlogs i was tired so went upstairs to see vinnie. i assumed he'd be off twitch now it'd been 6 hours. i let myself in "hey vinnster" i say jokingly, cringing at myself. i'm shocked when i see he's actually still streaming and everyone just saw that fuelling even more rumours, i try play it off. "umm dinner should be ready soon" i say trying to act serious. i say walking over to his desk, i stand out the frame and mouth "im so sorry" to him. grabs my hand underneath the computer, rubbing the back of it gently and laughs at me. i'm taking that as a "it's fine". he then let's go of my hand and points towards the screen and says "come say hi to everyone" so i awkwardly pop my head into the frame, waving. "okay cool, i'll be down in like 15 minutes" he says smiling at me so i walk out the room. i don't say anything and just close the door. 

it was now 10pm and i was hoping vinnie would stick to his word about going to see my apartment. after dinner, i was going to text him but then i was worried about coming off desperate. what if he didn't want to go? what if he was sick of me already? however, my thoughts are instantly settled when i get a text from vinnie:



meet in my room at 12 :)

alex and kovur are normally in bed by 10 and alex and mia are normally last to bed at 11 so 12 is perfect timing. 

i still had 2 hours to wait so i decided to put high school musical on. what? it's my comfort film. as the end credits rolled you checked your phone. 11:22. ugh, i still had 38 minutes. oh well, i already heard thomas and mia go to bed so i quietly creeped over to vinnie's room anyways. 

as i got to the door i heard him talking on the phone so i stopped. it was his mom. "yeah mom you'd really like her" oh my god is he telling his mom about me? "no she's not my girlfriend" i hear him laughing and then he finishes his sentence. "yet". oh my god. you silently scream to yourself. i decide to run back to my room and call olivia, so he didn't know i was listening. i had to tell someone. i explained everything to her and also told her about the kiss earlier. by the time i'd hung up the phone it was 12 so i creeped back over to vinnie's room. i walk in and he's laying on his bed topless. "well hello there" he says quietly loudly. "shh" i tell him swatting the air, signalling him to stop. "sorry" he says. "are you ready?" he asks getting up off the bed and getting dressed. "yeah i just need to grab the keys from the counter" "you might get cold yanno? i was thinking of going somewhere after" vinnie says "oo okay, um all my sweatshirts are in the wash, i'll go grab a coat" i say going to walk out my room when i feel something hit me in the back. "take my sweatshirt dumb ass" he says laughing. it was the one he'd been wearing today so it still smelt strong of him. "thanks" you blushed slightly. vinnie definitely noticed. he walked over to me, examining my face. "are you blushing?" he says laughing. "stop it" i say laughing. he opens his bedroom door and signals for me to walk out. we head downstairs and i grab my keys off the kitchen counter and we head outside. we walked over to the garage. vinnie had had the rest of his cars delivered earlier today when i was out. "take your pick" he says pointing to his four cars. "oh my god, why so many?" i laugh. "why not" he says. i pick one and get in "good choice" he says and i smile like i had some kind of constructed decision when in reality i did eenie meanie in my head. 

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