2- behind the scenes ♡

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y/n's pov

i was laying in bed surrounded with big cardboard boxes i was yet to unpack. i turned over and then heard my phone buzz from behind me. i turned back over and checked it. it was thomas in the house groupchat...

the hype house 


family meeting in the kitchen in 5 :)

ugh, i just got comfortable. i ripped the covers off and went downstairs. i was the first person down, "y/n we need to go over deadlines for the album tomorrow by the way" thomas says to me before everyone else comes down, i just smiled back in return. thomas has taken over temporarily as my music manager as my last manager is currently on maternity leave. thomas knows nothing about music but is trying his best, however he's really rushing me to finish the album but to be honest i'm really struggling to write at the moment. my thoughts are broken by everyone entering the kitchen. 

"please tell me nothings broken already" jack chimes as he enters the room. everyone laughs. "no jack, nothings broken yet" thomas says dismissing his joke trying to be serious. "you boys better start cleaning your dishes though" mia says giving alex, jack and thomas glares. "anyways, the reason i called this meeting is because i just heard back from netflix and they have approved the show!" thomas says and everyone gasps and cheers. "this is awesome!" alex says excitedly. "yes this is going to be massive for all of us, however they want a cast of at least 10 tiktokers so we're going to need some new additions" "like who?" kovur questions. "well, this is what we need to decide, we have 3 months before filming starts and by then we need the tiktokers to have be moved in and comfortable and it to be like they've always been here".

as awesome as having a netflix show is, being in a hype house netflix show is going to make tied to the living in the house for longer. there's no way i can move out if we're going to be filming here. 

"i think it's pretty obvious, y/n's new-found fame is one of the main reasons we're able to do this as netflix have a very keen interest in you" thomas says smiling and pointing at you. "but, they're also very to keen to gain insight in all of our lives and want to get behind the scenes secrets of all of our lives". everyone seemed really excited, i was confused how i felt, i feel like now the show is kind of resting on my back and i don't want to ruin everything thomas has worked for by leaving. "so, i have some people in my mind who i'm thinking of moving in..." thomas says breaking my thoughts once again. "netflix are very keen to have larray and nikita feature in the show, however they've won't be moving in the show will just follow them more independently. then there's this boy named vinnie hacker, i've already been reaching out to him and i think i'm going to send him out here for a trial". vinnie hacker... vinnie hacker why do i feel like i've heard that name before. "how many followers does he have?" i ask thomas. "4  million!" thomas exclaims and i hear echoes of 'wow' surrounding me. that's a lot. that's more than thomas! (lol this is not factually correct but just go with it- it's meant to be before he's properly blown up) "okay, so is he hot?" i said jokingly. "not important" thomas says not appreciating my joke. "well come on guys, how hard do you think it is for me and jack whilst you guys are all coupled up" i say, carrying on the joke to annoy thomas- my favorite thing to do :) "i've been saying you two need to get together for months now!" alex jokes. me and jack look at each other in sync and both gag. "no offence but no" i say jokingly. we both know nothing would ever happen it's just not like that between us one bit. "back on topic, vinnie is coming in a couple days to come and try out the house and see how he gets on" thomas says trying to regain everyone's attention. "but where the hell is he going to sleep, every single room is covered in boxes" kovur points out. "well i was going to finish by saying, i have a bed being delivered today and we're going to make the room opposite y/n's room a guest room for whoever moves in next so he can crash in there" thomas says and everyone nods in agreement. "okay, now go back to whatever you're doing" and everyone disperses back to their rooms. 

thanks for reading, i promise the stories will get better and vinnie will feature more, i just like setting the scene and developing y/n's character before vinnie arrives :)

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