7- stay ♡

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continuing from the last part

"shit, i'm sorry i shouldn't have said that" i say, quickly wiping my tears and standing up getting to leave. "no, stay, please" vinnie whispers the last word, but i heard. now we're both just sat crying in the kitchen at 2am, how have we ended up here? "i'm sorry" i say again. i don't really know what i'm apologising for but it just felt like the right thing to say. "don't say sorry, you have nothing to apologise for, i guess i'm not as over this breakup as i thought" vinnie laughs wiping his tears. "i guess we're both broken" i laugh. "looks like it" vinnie also laughs. "it's nice to talk to someone that feels so similar to me" i say. "do you not talk to thomas?" "not really, we don't really talk about emotions, he is very reserved. i think we both know both of us struggle but we both choose to ignore it. he talks more to mia about it than me, which i guess is understandable" i shrug. "so like you don't talk to anyone about it? not even your parents or your friends?" he asks, i knew this would come up at some point. "well, i don't really have a good relationship with my parents, it's hard they were never really supportive of what me and thomas wanted to do so that's why i moved out so young" "i'm sorry, what about your friends?" he asks. "i mean, i love them but i never want to be a burden like we briefly talk about it but no one can ever really relate to how i feel i guess" vinnie looks like he wants to say something but stops himself. 

vinnie's pov

i really want to tell her i'm always here, but that seems too forward. it breaks my heart that she feels so lonely but i guess i also know the feeling that's why i care so much to help others not feel that way. i decide to say it anyways "well i-, um i'm always here if you want to talk, even if i'm not physically here. i finally see her smile again "thank you that means a lot, same to you" it's getting late, my flight is at 11am so i need to sleep. but for some reason, i don't want the conversation to stop. "hey, i should probably get to bed" she says, reading my mind. "yeah, i probably should too, can i grab your number? for business purposes obviously" i laugh. i took her number in the case that i may never see her again but i just want her to know i'm there. "yeah sure it's xxxxxxxx" she said typing it into my phone. she hands me my phone back and for some reason the urge to hug her takes over me, so i do it. and thankfully she hugs me back. we end up actually staying like that for a few seconds, i think we both needed it. we let go and smile at each other and begin to walk back upstairs. we tip toe hoping not to wake anyone else up. "night vinnie" "night y/n" we exchange goodnights as we both walk into our separate rooms. 

i lay down in the guest bed and just stare at the ceiling reflecting on what just happened. 

y/n pov 

i can't believe i just opened up like that, i don't tell anyone that stuff. i'm so tired i should sleep but i can't stop thinking about him. thomas is taking him to the airport at 9, so i set an alarm hoping to catch him again before he leaves in case he never comes back. i then roll over and fall straight to sleep. 

the next day i wake up realising my alarm didn't go off. i check my phone and it says 9:03. shit. i run out my room and look down the stairs and see vinnie's suitcase by the front door. he hasn't left yet. i run back down the hall to my room to quickly get ready. in my dreamy state i don't even notice the person stood straight in front of me and run straight into vinnie making him drop whatever it is he is holding. oh my god. "oh my god, i'm so sorry!" i say not making eye contact in embarrassment. "it's fine!" he laughs it off. "why are you awake anyways, we didn't go to bed until like 3am you should be sleeping" he tells me looking confused. i don't want to look desperate or like i was awake for him, i need to lie. i mean i must be a better liar than him. "i- uh, have a meeting" i lie. "ahh right" he says joking raising his eyebrows at me. i follow him downstairs and am greeted by everyone else stood by the door waiting for vinnie. "come on then bud" thomas says ushering vinnie out the door. "bye guys" vinnie says waving to everyone. "bye y/n" he says specifically to me. my stomach turns watching him walk out the door. last night i felt safe and comforted but right now i just feel scared and confused. why the hell did i tell this boy i've known for two days things i can't even tell my family but why did it feel good also? i'm snapped out of my daze by thomas "y/n your song hit 1 million streams already, congrats! we need to get working on the album" i give him a faint smile. this god damn album. don't get me wrong i love writing music but most of the songs on the album are old now and are outdated, and i just don't feel the same way anymore. i put out an ep not too long ago and that did great but now the label are pushing for an album but i just don't feel ready. i want to take a break, hang out with my friends and gain more life experiences before going into another album. i wanna move out and see the world and gain my independence. shit, moving out i need to think about this. 

i remember vinnie gave me his number last night and decide to text him 



hey vinnie! it's y/n, text me when ur home so ik ur safe <3 

i sent it then instantly regretted it. was the heart too much? i meant it in a friendly way but what if he takes it wrong. oh god. he texts back 


just landed in seattle, thanks for a great weekend :)


no problem, wish you could've stayed longer, but hopefully see you soon 


oh, so you enjoyed your time with me then huh😏

in all seriousness, even if i don't come back i learnt sm from you guys, it was a great a experience

was? if i don't come back? i just automatically assumed vinnie would come back but i guess he's not so sure. i haven't done much promo for the song yet so decide to post to instagram... 

(ik this is olivia just pretend it's you lol)

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(ik this is olivia just pretend it's you lol)

@y/n: 'fingers crossed' is out now, thank u guys sm for all the love so far it means the world! this is just the beginning so much exciting stuff in the works i can't wait to tell you about!❤️‍🔥🖤

@miahayward: killin' it as always!

--- @y/n: love you girl <3

@vinniehacker: song is sick! everyone go stream it :)

--- @y/n: what he said :)

@fan123: omfg vinnie commented! 

@haterxo: flop 

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