"I'm being a cunt? For worrying that my girl could be carrying our baby?!" He throws his arms up in the air and my breath hitches.

Now that he's said it, it's as if realisation finally dawns upon me. It doesn't matter who's it is, but there's a huge possibility that I could be carrying a baby.

"Why don't we all fucking relax?" Phoenix stands back up and stands in front of me, blocking my view of an angry Miller. "We don't know for sure if Callie is pregnant, let's not jump to conclusions —"

"I'm not jumping to conclusions, Phoenix, it's fucking obvious." He points at me and I scoff.

"Miller, just stop!" I groan in frustration.

"We haven't got time for this. As soon as we're back, we're on the next fucking plane home!" Miller picks up his gun, shoving it into the back of his trousers before storming out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

"I have never seen that man so mad," Everest whispers, releasing a small breath. "It's okay, sunshine."

"It's not okay, Ev. We've all been through so much, most times I find myself putting all of you before me and I don't regret doing that! There was no need for Miller to get so mad at me. We couldn't have just spoken like decent adults?" I place my hands on my hips and look up at the ceiling, breathing in deeply.

"Do you think you could be pregnant, princess?" Nix asks, placing his hands on my cheeks.

"Possibly. I know, shit timing, but there have been times where we've had unprotected sex. Most fucking times." I drop my face in my hands and feel the stinging in the back of my eyes. Then the tears begin to fall and I'm suddenly a sobbing mess.

"Shit, baby, it's okay." Nix wraps me up in his arms and continues to hold me until my cries have quietened down. "You know what Mill is like. Crazy overprotective, we all are. We love you so much." I pull away and sniffle.

"Please be safe. Don't get killed." I plead with them, wiping my eyes. "Make sure Miller doesn't do anything stupid, please." I panic and Nix shushes me, kissing the top of my head.

"We'll be okay."



"Hey, could you slow the fuck down before you get us killed?!" River exclaims next to me from the backseat.

Miller is driving like a fucking maniac. He hasn't calmed down from his argument with Callie, if anything, he's ten times worse. Then all of a sudden he's pulling up on the curb, tyres skidding and climbs out of the car. He rips open the door. River looks at him in confusion, I shake my head in disappointment, and Nix curses under his breath.

"You drive the fucking car." He grits his teeth and my sister looks at me with questioning eyes. I shrug my shoulders and watch her step out of the car and climb into the driver's side. As soon as she's adjusted her seat, we drive on.

"Miller, you need to get a fucking grip." Nix turns his head to look at our friend who looks as if he's about ready to kill the lot of us. "Callie doesn't need this stress. So what she hadn't said anything, she hasn't even done a pregnancy test, Miller. So she wasn't keeping anything from us."

"Apart from the fact she was throwing up." Miller retorts and I roll my eyes.

"Shut the fuck up." Phoenix groans, running his hands through his hair.

After fifteen minutes we pull up beside the rest of the team in the underground car park. I don't hesitate to jump out of the car as soon as it comes to a standstill.

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