Chapter 4

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Have fun reading enjoy.


As I return to my room, I slump onto the floor. This is a horror film. My life has turned into a horror film. My phone vibrates next to me. It's Kim Sung Hun calling. Who exactly is Kim Sung Hun? Kim Sung Hun is the boyfriend of my sister Oh Minah, and he is one of my crushes.

Yes I have many crushes. You already met two of them Jackson and Sung Hun. I know I get crushes alot during my middle school years. Oh yeah I forgot about Xiumin.


This is how Sung Hun and I met. On the back lawn, we were having a stuffed teddy bear tea party picnic with actual tea and cakes. It needed to be in the backyard where no one could see it. I was eleven, which was far too old for it, and Minah was thirteen, which was far, far too old. I came up with the notion after reading about it in a book. Because Kiara, I could pretend it was for her and persuade Minah to join us in our game.

Everything was set out on Minah's old baby blanket, which was blue and nubby and had a squirrel print on it. I set out a Minah's chipped tea set, little muffins studded with blueberries and sugar granules that I made Daddy buy at the grocery store, and a teddy bear for each of us. Because I insisted, we were all wearing hats.

"You have to wear a hat to a tea party," I kept insisting until Minah put hers on just to silence me. She was wearing Mommy's straw gardening hat, Kiara was wearing a tennis visor, and I'd dressed up Grandma's old fur hat by attaching a few plastic flowers on top.

Sung Hun stepped up on the fence and observed us as I poured tea from the thermos into mugs. We'd observed Sung Hun's family move in a month previously from the upstairs playroom. We had hoped to expect daughters, but when we saw the movers unload a boy bike, we returned to our games.

Sung Hun sat on the fence, silent, and Minah felt stiff and embarrassed; her cheeks were flushed, but she kept her hat on. Kiara was the one who summoned him.

"Hey, boy," she called out.

"Hello," he said. His hair was unkempt, and he shook it out of his eyes. He was dressed in a crimson T-shirt that had a hole in the shoulder.

Kiara asked him, “What’s your name?”

“Sung Hun.” he said.

"You should join us, Sung Hun," Kiara said.

That's what he did.

I had no idea how significant this youngster would become to me and the people I care about the most at the time. But what could I have done differently if I had known? It was never going to be just the two of us. Regardless. I had a crush on him the first time I saw him, but looking into my sister's eyes, I believe she has a crush as well.

I assumed I was done with him. I swear I meant it when I wrote my letter and said my farewell. It's not even that difficult. Not when I considered how very much Minah liked him and felt for him. How could I possibly applaud my sister's first love? Minah, who had made so many sacrifices for all of us. She always put Kiara and me ahead of herself. Letting go of Sung Hun was my way of prioritising Her.

End of flashback

Sung Hun : Where are you? Did you get a ride home ?

I turn my phone off. He must want to ask me about it about my secret crushes on him. He must known it's all over the Internet. Now I felt like someone leave me in a desert for two long it's embarrassing and at the same time I don't want to face him.

Plus my family. My dad, my mom and also my sister. I haven't tell them my past activities in middle school. What if they know all my bullying and wrong doings in my horrible past that I don't want to be ever again. I wrote all of it in my diary.

I know what you thinking. I was dumb to do that. Write all your secrets and such. How am I supposed to know that this will happen and beside I became more preserved then before. I wanted to keep all my memories sealed in a place that no one will get it. But now it is the opposite of what I wanted.

I pulled my phone again from my pocket and my eyes soften a bit to see Lay's name "Lay😁" pop up. He is messaging me.

Why did he put an emoji there? Cute. My lips curled.

Lay 😁: Let's talk about how to find the guy who did this at the rooftop tommorow if you don't want to it's fine Ice Queen. We can bicker with eachother.

I just stared at it for a few minutes . Why is he helping me? I kept on saying that but it's true. I just want to know why? I did nothing special towards him accept for arguing with him about the meaningless stuff.

Jinah:Sure I'll be there.

As I scrolled my contacts list I got a message from Kiara.

Kiara : You should looked at your school forums. 😲

Why is she saying that? Oh about the exposed diary, about all my crushes, my secret exposed. I already know that Kiara. Then my eyes widen with this I looked at the comments mainly mean comments. So, She means the hateful comments.

"Once a bitch always a bitch."

"I can't believe this she have a crush on Jackson Wang that player she have bad taste "

"I can't believe she likes him too... He's a loser and she will be when he asked her to be a couple... I felt disgusted"

Tears started to fell down as I read through more comments.

Jinah : Thanks for looking up for me.

I said and curled on my bed while hugging a pillow while sobbing and crying.


So how's the chapter? Stay tune for the next Chapter.

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