This Isn't the Plan....

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Marie opened her eyes, and was blinded by a bright light.

She moaned, and then rolled out of her bed.

Just then, her father entered her room, and she looked up at him.

"You sleep well?" Will asked while yawning.

"I think so." Marie muttered as she slowly started to stand.

"Good. Come downstairs, breakfast is ready." He smiled.

"Okay." She said as they went to the kitchen.


"Hey Alec, have you read The Mortal Instruments yet?" Marie asked as she ate.

"I'm halfway through the second book." He said.

"You liking it so far?" She asked.

"Yeah. My favorite character is Magnus." He said.

Marie nearly spit out her orange juice.

"That is ironic." She laughed.

"Why?" Alec asked.

"You'll see." Marie smiled at her little brother.

Just then, Marie's phone went off.

It was Charlie, he texted;

'Whatcha doing 2day?'

"Dad, are we doing anything today?" Marie then asked.

"Probably not. Will, did you plan anything?" Nico said.

"Nope." Will said while devouring his breakfast.

'Nothing.' She then texted back.

'Good, we're going out.' He replied instantly.

'Where?' She asked.

'You'll see.' He texted back, and Marie smiled.

"Dad, Daddy, can I go out with Charlie today?" Marie asked.

"Sure. Just be safe." Will said.

"Where are you guys going?" Nico asked suspiciously.

"Gods Nico, she doesn't have to tell you everything their gonna do." Will said pointing his waffle at him.

"I was just asking." Nico muttered looking clearly hurt.

"I was kidding. Where are you guys going?" Will asked with a smile.

"He won't tell me." Marie said.

"Oh, a surprise." Will smiled. "Just be safe."

"We will be. Thanks for letting me go!" Marie cried as she ran to her room to get ready.


Marie ran to the door as soon as the doorbell rang.

She opened it, and found the boy with the black hair and gray eyes that she loves.

"Hi Charlie." She smiled.

"Hey. You ready?" He asked.

Marie nodded, and smiled again.

"Bye Dad! Bye Daddy! Bye Alec!" She cried as she ran to get her jacket, keys, and phone.


Alec laid on his bed, and stared at the ceiling.

He was bored.

Then, an idea came to him.

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