Luke's little Secret

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"Um, Marie can I come over to your house with you?" Luke asked as he pulled the girl aside.

"Sure. If your parents are okay with it." She smiled, as she took some books from Charlie.

He nodded, and ran to his parents.

"What's up with him?" Charlie asked as he placed the book into her arms.

"I don't know. He might wanna see either Alec, or maybe talk to my dads." Marie replied.

Charlie nodded, and then smiled.

He leant forward, and kissed Marie's cheek, as he brushed her hair out of her eye.

She smiled, and then Luke came towards her.

"I can go." He smiled.

Marie nodded, and returned him smile.

"Come on. Let's go." She said to him.

"Bye guys!" Marie then bellowed to the Jacksons.

She got several goodbyes in response, and then they set off to the Solangelo house.


Nico was waiting at the door when they got there.

He smiled and waved to Luke and Marie, and then they entered the house.

Nico hugged the two, and then Marie ran off to her room, leaving Luke and Nico alone.

"Can I talk to you and Will, in private?" He asked.

Nico smiled and nodded, and then went to find his husband.


"Hey Shadow!" Marie exclaimed as her little hellhound jumped up into her arms.

"Wow, that was a jump." She muttered as she nuzzled her puppy.

"Come on sweetie, wanna read with mommy?" She asked her.

Shadow barked in response, and Marie smiled and kissed her head.

"I'll take that as a yes." She said as she held the dog closer to her as they went to Marie's room.


"Um...." Luke stuttered.

Nico and Will we're sitting in the kitchen together looking at the boy expectantly.

"What did you want to talk about?" Will asked with a smile and sparkling eyes.

Luke scratched his head, and looked at the two demigods.

"I think I might be-" He started.

Then Alec ran into the room, jumping onto Luke's lap.

"Lukey!" He cried as he hugged him.

"Hey Alec." Luke smiled.

"Daddy, where's Shadow?" Alec then asked turning to Nico and Will while still on Luke's lap.

"Probably with your sister. Go find her." Nico said to his son.

Alec nodded, and left from Luke's lap to find his sister.

"What were you saying?" Will then asked.

Luke exhaled, and began talking.


Shadow was really quiet when she was curled up in Marie's lap.

Even when she gasped, and freaked out because of the events of the book, the hellhound didn't stir.

Marie made sure she was breathing, and felt relieved as the dog stretched, and snuggled against her chest.

She then put down the book, and picked up the puppy, as she stared at her owner with large intelligent brown eyes.

Marie smiled, and kissed her forehead.

Then Alec started pounding on her door.


"Yeah. Come in." She told him.

Her little brother entered the room, and he squealed when he saw the dog.

Shadow leapt up, and ran to Alec.

He then chased the dog around the house.

Marie smiled, and then continued reading her book.


"I'm gay." Luke then said looking Will and Nico in the eyes.

Will merely smiled, and stood up, and then hugged the 13 year old boy.

"I didn't know who to tell, but I guessed I should tell you guys first." He muttered.

Nico looked at the boy and then smiled.

"There's nothing wrong with being gay. And I feel honored that you told us." Nico said.

Luke smiled.

"So, do you think I should tell my parents?" He asked.

"When your ready, you should tell them. And I guarantee that they will accept you." Will said as he finally let go of the boy.

Luke nodded, and looked at Nico, and then Will.

"I'm glad I got that off my chest." He smiled.

"That's good. Do you wanna stay for dinner?" Will then asked.

"Um....sure!" He exclaimed.

Nico nodded, and then stood.

"We're having pasta." He smiled.


Sorry for not updating as soon as usual......

Life's been tough, and there has been some family issues.....

I'm trying to make more Solangelo moments, but do you guys have any suggestions?

Btw, thanks for all the comments and votes!!!!

You guys are awesome!!!!!

I was planning to do this later when Luke was about 16, but I couldn't wait!!!!

So, whatcha think?


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