Sugar Rush

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"Marie, are you okay?" Nico asked his daughter as he walked over to her.

"Does it look like she's okay?" Ariel asked.

The girl was literally shaking.

Her blue eyes became brighter, and wider, and she looked like she was struck by lightning.

Nico placed his hand on her shoulder, but then drew away after being shocked.

His hand was burnt, and was throbbing.

Then Will came over as Marie started to twitch.

"What happened?!" He asked his voice full of concern.

"She's on a sugar rush. Should be over in about 2 hours the least." Ariel said as if there was no big deal.

Will then saw Nico's hand.

"Lemme see." He said as he took his hand.

He worked some magic, and then it was completely healed.

"Better?" He asked.

"Better." Nico replied.

"Good, now what are we gonna do with Marie?" Will asked becoming frustrated.

"We can lock her in her room. Usually that would calm her." Ariel offered.

"Are you crazy?" Will asked.

"I get it from my dad." She smiled.

From across the room, Percy gave her a thumbs up sign, and she did the same.

"No, seriously. She'll calm down faster if she's locked in a room. Even if one person is in there." She said again.

"We'll try it. But who wants to be in there with her to make sure she doesn't get hurt?" Nico asked.

"I'll stay." Charlie said out of nowhere.

"You sure?" Luke asked.

"Yeah. I'll stay. Don't worry. I'll make sure nothing happens to her." He said to Nico be Will.

"Okay. Now, let's go." Will said, and they all went to Marie's room.


"Here's a bag of chips in case you get hungry." Percy told his son while giving him food.

"You'll be okay. Right?" Annabeth asked while holding him.

"Yeah mom. Don't worry about me." She assured her.

"Okay baby." She smiled as she kissed her son's forehead.

"Love you mom." He said.

"Love you too sweetie." She said as he entered the room and shut the door.


Marie sat on her bed, and was shaking.

"Hi." She said.

"Hey." Charlie replied.

"Are you a talking potato? Because I'm a talking potato." She said really fast.

"Yeah, I'm a talking potato." Charlie replied while laughing.

"Good." Marie said as she stood.

She walked towards him, and wrapped her arms around him.

"Sing to me you talking potato!" She giggled.

"Um....." Charlie stuttered.

Then Marie laughed.

"That's not singing!" She laughed again.

"This is singing." She said.

🎶Are you, Are you?
Coming to the tree.
Where they strung up a man,
They say murdered three.
Strange things did happen here,
No stranger will it be.
If we met, at midnight in the Hanging Tree.🎶

She sang.

Charlie had to admit her voice was beautiful.

"Now you sing!" Marie giggled.

Charlie sighed, and started singing.

🎶You got something I need.
And in this world full of people, there's one killing me,
And if we only die once, I wanna die with you.🎶

"That's it?" Marie asked.

Charlie nodded.

"It was beautiful." She muttered.

Charlie smiled, and Marie looked at him.

And then, they were kissing.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, as he held her hips.

Her mouth was sweet, probably from all the cake she ate, but Charlie didn't care.

They broke away from each other, and Marie's body was sizzling with electricity.

"That" She smiled.

Charlie looked at her with his large gray eyes, and she sighed.

She moved forwards, and ran her hand through his messy black hair.

"I don't think you're a talking potato. You're my Newt." She smiled.

"Newt?" Charlie asked about to laugh.

"From The Maze Runner. He's hot. In the book and movie. And you're my Newt." She smiled again wrapping her arms around his neck.

"You're right. I am your Newt." He replied before kissing her again.

Their mouths collided, and that's when the door opened.


Ariel, Luke, Bianca, and Alec all waited outside the door to Marie's room.

They heard them talk, and then sing.

"When's it's quiet, I'm opening the door." Ariel whispered.

They all agreed, and waited.

Then it was time.

Ariel swung open the door, and revealed the two standing together in the middle of the room with their lips locked.

They broke away from each other, and everyone got a face full of water.



I'm evil.😈

Ended it early, cuz I can.😈

If you know The Hunger Games, you know the first song was The Hanging Tree.

If you know OneRepublic, you know the second song was Something I Need by OneRepublic.

If you know The Maze Runner, you get what I mean when I said Newt.

If you enjoy The Maze Runner, you should read my TMR fanfic called A Change in Heart........(please💞?)

Comment and Vote!!😊


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