«Why the curiosity, all of a sudden?» Killer calmly asked, proceeding towards the greenhouses.

«Huh, nothing, I just wondered, since Kid often curses in Gaelic.»

The blond hummed but didn't press it further.

A little nervousness began to plague your mind again later that evening as the time of the scan approached. The guys remained nearby most of the time, but this time they didn't try to distract you or get you to talk about it. They simply hung out around you in the common room of Slytherin as the clock ticked forward.

Kid was busy with telekinesis practice the whole day and he never appeared. You subtly tried to check your palm a few times, but the outline of the rune couldn't be distinguished anymore.

When the time came, you took a deep breath and stood from the small sofa.

«You sure you have to go alone? Can't we come with you?» Perona asked with a tinge of concern.

You shook your head.

«No, they said only a tutor or something could accompany me. Meh, who needs adults anyway, right?»

«I can still walk with you though.» she stubbornly said, rising to her feel as well.

«You don't have to--»

«I will!»

You blinked, then a faint smile curved your lips.


«Be careful coming back, both of you. People are all fired up about this Triwizard thing.» Killer said, watching you leave.

You waved at your friends before heading out of the House with Perona. You could hardly set foot outside, however, before a familiar voice stopped you on your track.

«Last minute as always, Miss L/n.»

Doflamingo was leaning against the stone door of the dungeon.

«Professor?» Perona gasped, stepping behind you.

He offered you his sly smirk and stood.

«Thank you for your thoughtfulness, Miss Gekko, but your presence won't be required.»

The girl frowned in confusion and you faced the blond.

«What do you mean, professor? I don't have a "trusted adult", so I can at least have a friend walking with me!»

Doflamingo scoffed but the sinister smirk never left his lips.

«You don't need it, because you do have a trusted adult. Or you meant to say that you don't trust me, Miss L/n?»


«Of course no one can prevent Miss Gekko to walk with us, if she insists.» the wizard added, although his words now harboured a hint of annoyance.

Perona swallowed and backed down immediately.

«I don't insist. So, huh, see you later, Y/n.»

You were still quite confused as you bid her goodbye. She had hardly disappeared beyond the stone door when Doflamingo started walking up the stairs.

«Stop lingering, Y/n, we don't have all night.»

You clicked your tongue and shuffled behind him.

«Wait, professor! Aren't you part of the scan committee anyway?»

He didn't slow down.

«As an expert of transfiguration, my skills are not needed for such procedure. In fact, I wasn't even invited.» he quickly glanced at you behind his shoulder «I'll be there as your tutor instead.»

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