Refusing Endless Varse

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"Well," he looks down at us. "As I told you, we'll be shipping out to Endless Varse together. There's no need to behave murderously."

"Who said we'd go with you!?" Zoro glares at him. "And who cares about your 'World of Dreams'!" He once again rushes at the man.

"Don't do it Zoro! He's too strong!" Nami screams.

"Maybe if I go for his drums," I juggle my shurikens.

"I'll have to teach your body a lesson about the Kami's rules," Eneru states, but he doesn't electrocute Zoro as the swordman slices through him multiple times. "However much you struggle, you won't be able to fight me. In the face of overwhelming power, one can feel utter desperation." His body comes back together as Zoro stops slashing through him. "Having all of your hopes shattered in not unlike death." It is at that moment that he finally decides to send a bolt of electricity coursing through Zoro's body.

For a moment, Zoro remains on his feet, but then he collapses to his knees.

"Zoro!" I scream, finally deciding that it is my turn to jump into this damn fight even if it kills me.

"Akari!" Nami screams, grabbing my wrist before I can send my shurikens flying at Eneru. "What do you think you're doing?" she hisses.

"I'm going to kick ass, what does it look like I'm doing?" I shockingly look back at her. "Let me go so I can actually do something."

"No, I will not. You're going to get yourself killed if you fight him, and I am not going to let that happen. You've been through a lot since we made it to this island, and I am going to make sure that you don't damage your body any further."

"Then you better keep holding my wrist, because you don't understand how much I want to kick this guy's ass."

She softly grins, "Don't worry, I won't."

"For humans, death is their ultimate fear," Eneru speaks up, dragging my attention back to him. His foot is now planted on Zoro's face to keep him down. "That is why people bow their heads to the ground and beg for the Kami's mercy. It can't be helped. Creatures are made to bow down in the face of terror. That's instinct."

"I'll never beg for mercy from men like you," I snap.

The bazooka clatters to the ground before the Shandia warrior jumps on Eneru. His legs wrapped around the Kami's torso as his hand is placed firmly on his chest.

"What are you doing?" Eneru uninterestingly asks. "Did you come to kill me?"

The warrior looks on without saying a word.

"What?" Eneru tries to get away by turning his body into lightning, but it seems something is nullifying his power. "What is it?"

"Do you know what a sea prism is, Eneru?"

Sea Prism: A stone that sucks the power of those with Devil Fruit powers. We've seen the effect that is has on Luffy. How the boy will turn weak in a matter of seconds. Even a man that calls himself a god cannot escape the hatred the sea has for those who have eaten a Devil Fruit.

"It's true, I can't summon my powers!" Eneru stumbles back, giving Zoro a chance to break away and get ready to fight.

"Die!" the warrior screams.

"Stop it. It's a reject dial, isn't it? It will kill you too. What is your objection? Don't you want Endless Varse too?"

"Shut up! I am happy to die if I can take you with me!!"

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