Chapter 13

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"What the fuck is wrong with that bitch?!" 

Sapphire leaned against the bathroom sink as she watched  Ashley walk back and forth in front of the bathroom stalls. She bit at her cuticles nervously. 

She watched as her cousin pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and frowned. 

"I'm calling Mom and telling her what just happened" 

"No!" Sapphire rushed to grab the phone. 

"Seriously Sapphire. That bitch just attacked me and you don't want me to tell mom" 

"No. I mean, you're not even hurt" She tried to reason. "Plus, we basically get a free period to do whatever" 

"Give me my phone" Ashley held a hand out, while the other was on her hip. 

"Okay, just hear me out" Sapphire stated still not giving the phone back. "So, I know that was weird and I kind of feel like this is my fault. And, I'll fix it. I just need time" 

"What are you talking about?" 

"Okay, so you remember that box we found in the basement?"


"At the new house, we were in the basement and there was a box in the middle of the floor I tried to get it but you wouldn't let me"

Ashley shook her head. "What about it?" 

"Well, when I went upstairs pack, the box was on my bed"

Ashley rubbed her temples as she backed up and leaned against a closed stall. "Let me guess. You opened the box" 

"Yeah" Sapphire nodded. 

"Why'd I have to get a dumb cousin?" Ashley looked up and asked. 

"Stop that!" Sapphire whined. 

"Okay, go on. I'm sure it only gets worse from there" 

"Well, inside the box I found this necklace" She pulled the locket out of her shirt and showed her cousin before continuing. "I also found the little black book and a letter. The letter said to write down what I wanted in the book and it'll come true. I wrote that I wanted me and Miss Jade to be together of course, but you had written on it too, so I think it kind of made her like the both of us" 

"Oh yeah, that sounds realistic Sapphire. Let's ignore the fact that she just attacked me in the classroom. I thought I was going to have to fight her. You don't attack people you like,  I'm telling Mom" 

"No! Ashley please!" Sapphire begged. "Please don't, give me a chance to fix this. I'll just write in the book again that I want everything to return to normal between the two of you and then things will go back to the way they were" 

"Between the two of you as well. I don't approve of this relationship that you want with her either" 

"But, my relationship with her has nothing to do with you. I finally found someone I like other than you and Aunt Tracy. I can't let this opportunity pass by" Sapphire removed her backpack from her shoulder before digging around in it. She scrunched up her eyebrows before moving to another compartment. "Where is it?!" she asked frantically. "I know I put it in my bag this morning" 

"Oh great, just fucking great" Ashley grabbed the bag and turned it upside down dumping all of the items on the floor. 

"Gross" Sapphire whispered but watched as her cousin searched the items looking for the book. "I don't see it anywhere" She took the empty bag and looked through it one last time before she pulled out an envelope. "Wait. Ashley look" 

Ashley stood from the floor and watched as her cousin opened the letter. "What does it say?" 

"Oh no," Sapphire whispered. "It says;"

' the book will reveal itself when the time is right. When you take someone's free will away, they get to take yours' 

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