Chapter 12

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The next morning Sapphire and Ashley stood in line waiting their turn to enter their math teacher's class. Sapphire played with her fingers, something she did whenever she was nervous or overly excited. She kept looking for signs that the book worked and wondered were the results immediate or would they take time. A small part of her wanted to pretend that the book was a big joke but she was to desperate for it to work. 

Her teacher didn't seem any less cold or intimidating. She watched as she assessed each student before they entered the class. When it was her turn her teacher simply looked at her and nodded for her to enter, as she did with everyone else. 

Sapphire sighed as she took her seat, Ashley soon followed behind her. They took out their notebook and their number two pencil. Sapphire began copying the notes off the board, you know, just encase they got kicked out again. 

With the door now closed and the classroom now silent, the only thing that could be heard is the heels of the teacher tapping against the marble-like floor. Miss Jade walked up to the board and began teaching. 

"Sapphire" Ashley whispered. 

"Shh. You're going to get us into trouble again. Be quiet" 

"Here, pass this note to Tyler" Sapphire looked down at the folded-up piece of paper that Ashley was handing her. She glanced over at Tyler who was looking down at his notebook. 

"Tyler" Sapphire whispered. He didn't look up, but the boy next to him did. He nudged Tyler who looked over and smiled. Sapphire held up the note and was about to pass it to him before it was snatched away.

Miss Jade, walked over towards her trash can and was about to throw it away, but she paused and opened the letter. Students looked around confused. Passing letters in class would automatically get you kicked out and the letter would immediately be thrown away. With Miss Jade you always knew what to expect. 

Sapphire watched nervously as the teacher read the letter. It didn't take long before she quickly turned around and walked back over to the two girls. She leaned over the desk, so close Sapphire could smell her perfume. 

"Please tell me Sapphire" She held the paper in her hands as she crumpled it up in a tight ball, her fist turning white as she was squeezing so hard. "That you're not passing notes in my class" 

"I'm sorry Ma'am" She whispered and leaned back. She was scared, but at the same time, she was so turned on. She rubbed her legs together but stopped when she realized what she was doing and where she was at. 

"Who is this letter for?" The ball was slammed on the desk causing both girls to jump. 


"You!" Miss Jade pointed at the boy. "Get your stuff and get out of my class" 

"Seriously?" Ashley questioned. "He didn't even do anything?" 

"He's passing notes in my class" 

"You know what?" Ashley began packing up her stuff too. "The note was from me, I'm just going to pack up my stuff and leave too" 

"So you wrote this note?" Miss Jade questioned. She stood up and grabbed Ashley's arm. "You're not going anywhere. Sit down" 

"Ow! You're hurting my arm, let me go" 

"You think I'm going to let you go be with him? I'm not, I'm not letting him touch what's mine!" 

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Ashley pushed Miss Jade away. She raised her hand to hit Ashley who backed away. 

Everyone sat, afraid of what was going on, Sapphire held her hands to her mouth and her eyes were wide. 

"What?" Miss Jade whispered. "What am I doing?" She lowered her arm before looking between Sapphire and Ashley. She held a hand up to her temple. "Get the fuck out" She then pointed to the door. "Everyone. NOW!" 

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