The Seven Heavenly Virtues | Fall of the Warmonger

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Rosalina: Oh, hello. It's nice to meet you, young one.

Vara: Uh.. yeah. You too.. My name is Vara of the Ars Goetia. I was born on the moon.

Rosalina: The Child of the Moon. We finally meet. And I have been watching you ever since you were born, and that means the depths of Hell as well. My name is Rosalina, and I am the mother of all Lumas. 

Vara: Lumas?

Fierce Deity: The Star Children, born from falling stars. 

Rosalina: Accurate deduction. It's also nice to see you again, A-

Fierce Deity: Don't. I don't him to know... not yet.

Vara: ...

Rosalina: Very well. 

Vara: You two know each other. 

Fierce Deity: Long after I was casted out of my title. I helped Rosalina, guarding the Grand Star that powers this station. Practically, she means alot to me, and I'm thankful for her. 

Rosalina: *smiles* I'm in your debt as well.

Fierce Deity: *smiles* 

Rosalina: *turns to Vara* You have grown up to a fine young man and even tapped into my long time friend's power, all thanks to the mask you carry. I believe that you will still accomplish many great things as long as you two stay together. You two do make a great team.

Both Vara and the Fierce Deity looked at each other and smiled as Rosalina's words ring true.

Vara: There is something else as well. The Fierce Deity's enemy, Majora. He's plotting an apocalypse on Earth on the day of the Eclipse, with the help of Maleficent and Dr. Eggman. *bows* If it's possible, I need to know when the Eclipse will happen, so that I can be ready. 

Rosalina: ... The Eclipse... I have news for that actually. The Eclipse won't happen until the next year. 

Vara: What?

Rosalina: If Majora is wanting to cause an end of the world crisis during the eclipse, he must be patient enough to even wait at that time, yet alone craving so much destruction. 

Vara: Really?

Rosalina: There is a problem. We don't know where Majora is holding his plans, and we surely don't know of his whereabouts, as he keeps them clean wherever he goes. And if it were possible to defeat Majora before the Eclipse, the chances are that the curse on the moon is irreversible once he's done it. And... as I fear to say this, he has placed the curse long after he was awoken from his deep and seemingly slumber. 

Vara: ...

Rosalina: But there is a way to stop the moon from crashing down on Earth.

Vara: Really? What is it?

Fierce Deity: It's not it, but them. The Guardians. Much like the ones in Termina, their are seven guardians. Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Kindness, Patience, and Humility.

Vara: Those are the Seven Heavenly Virtues. Opposite of the Seven Deadly Sins. 

Rosalina: That's right, and you both have overcome three sins to attain these virtues. Charity, Diligence, and Chastity. 

Vara: Overcoming Greed, Sloth, and Lust. Does that mean the monsters we defeated, they are sins that can be turned to virtue?

Fierce Deity: Yes. Odolwa was Sloth, Goht was Greed, and Gyorg was Lust. 

Vara: So if we overcome five more of these deadly sins and attain these virtues, then the guardians will help us stop the moon from crashing to Earth.

The Child of the Moon: The Fierce DeityDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora