Start from the beginning

Teacher:yes yes you all have amazing quirks but remember the rules you not allowed to use them

?:Oi teach dont lump me around with these Extras to me their'll be nothing but sidekicks to some pro hero D-lister

The person who said that was none other than Katsuki Bakugou

His comment made the students to argue at him for being cocky making him threaten them that he'll take them all one

The teacher looked at Bakugous paper

Teacher:well now it seems your applying for UA

This made the students murmur about how UA is hard to get in and has low percentage rate for students to apply to

Bakugou:well of your course

Bakugou then jumped on his desk

Bakugou:I aced the mock test and practical exam, I'm the only who has the strength to be number one
I'll be the greatest hero with power and fame not even Allmight can stop me AND IT ALL STARTS IN UA

But then.....

Teacher:Oh Midoriya your also applying for UA aswell

He said with no enthusiasm making Izuku look up to see his classmates look at him and the they all laughed after him telling him he went make it and should just give up

Izuku's POV:

I couldn't take it anymore my breathing was getting ragged seeing spots infront of me and just as I was about say something Katsuki no Bakugou exploded my desk making me get pushed back and hit the wall


Izuku:I-I'm not going against you Kaachan  I-it's just going to UA has been my dream and theirs no harm in trying right

This only caused him to get even more mad saying I'm nothing but a waste of space before it can continue the teacher told Katsuki to take his seat and telling not to cause anymore trouble

All I could do was take my seat while getting glares and snickering from my classmates I tried to calm my breathing but it wasn't working I just want it all to end please just let me die please


After that it was time go home and I still felt hate

Izuku:maybe going over my notes can help calm me down and then I can go to work

And as I was about to get my notebook a hand suddenly grabbed it and when I looked who it was my chest started to pound

Bakugou:we're not done yet Deku

Lanky #1:hey Bakugou what you got their

When Bakugou looked at the title

Bakugou:Hero Analysis for the Future number 13 you never learn dont you

Lanky #2:hahaha really he still thinks he can be a hero man your funny

Izuku:y-yeah funny can I please have back my book

But the next that happened was Bakugou destroying my book and throwing out the window

Izuku:why why does he always do this

Bakugou:you know Deku I'm pretty much of an Perfectionist which means I'm the only one who suppose get into UA while the rest can just say how I made from this rundown 9fna school so here's something you should do

He then put his left hand on my right shoulder making it burn my shirt and also my skin

Bakugou:dont apply for UA or any of the other courses ok

He said while smiling and when he let go he and his lankies walked with him until he stopped

Bakugou:oh yeah there is a way for you to get a quirk just jump off the school building and pray you get a quirk in your next life or better yet you can see your dead mother hahaha on how disappointed you've become

All I can do shake and then I hit the ground when they left I started pounding the ground with my left hand while grabbing my hair with my right pulling and scratching my hair while more tears poured from my watery eyes

Izuku:why...why do you hate me so much Bakugou why why why why

I started muttering while placing my hands on my face while having a wide grin but I wasnt happy no I couldn't be happy at all and I just laughed

I started muttering while placing my hands on my face while having a wide grin but I wasnt happy no I couldn't be happy at all and I just laughed

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Izuku:let me die I dojt belong in this fucked up world let me die hehehehehehehe

Nobody's POV:

Meanwhile somewhere down in the bottom of water a shiny black like boulder started to move until it formed a few cracks


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