Daddy is still Daddy

Start from the beginning

That's what uncle Luci walked in to see. He gapped at everyone. "How come Harry is so clean?" He asked finally as his eyes settled on me with mirth. I smiled up at him knowing I was probably the worst. When I stood up and sealed the room his eyes widened "you wouldn't do that to your favorite uncle now would you?" My smile broadened. Then I gave a battle cry before latching onto him. Auntie came over and helped me with messing up his hair. When we finally backed down uncle Luci looked disheveled and was also covered in food. Everyone burst out laughing. Suddenly I had a bright idea.

I unsealed my room and walked over by the door. Opening the door wide I smiled. "I bet daddy and uncle can't catch me now!" Then I took off at a sprint. Not wanting to trip I rode the banister down. I heard two pairs of feet stumbling behind me. "Catch me if you can!" I called over my shoulder. As I passed Fenrir I winked at him. By the time I lead them to the entryway the whole house had heard the commotion. So when they managed to snag me I was a giggling mess they both looked angry. But I just kept laughing. "I win" I exclaimed happily. Then pointing to all the highly amused death eaters watching. Then my eyes sparked with more mischief. Daddy looked worried. So I leaned into his ear. "I think Barty and Rabastan could use a hug." When I leaned back he had a shark like smile.

"Barty! Rabastan! Come here a minute!" As they both approached nervously uncle and daddy suddenly threw me at them I was instantly scared but they quickly caught me. Now also covered in food. I pulled a bacon from my pocket pretending not to be scared to death. I shoved it in my mouth. "Since he won I won't say who he can or can't be with. However know this if you hurt him in anyway it will be given back onto you tenfold. Got it!?" At their nods of fear and understanding. He smiled "good now Lucius let's go get to work."

Barty and Rabastan smiled holding me close. "Your a mess Squeaky." Barty whispered into my ear. I giggled "you should see my room. The elves might just murder us." Rabastan kissed my cheek humming. "Let's go get you cleaned up." Rabastan said softly pulling a bit of fruit from my hair. They took me up to the room they were sharing and sent me into their bathroom with a pair of Barty's boxer's and one of Rabastan's long sleeve shirts. I took a quick shower and washed all the food gunk off me and out of my hair. Once I was dressed I looked in the mirror. Holy shit I looked hot but for my leg scars. Picked my wand out of my dirty clothes and carefully cleaned it. Then set some glamours on my legs.

When I stepped out they both stared at me before Rabastan grabbed a throw blanket and wrapped me up in it like an Eskimo before picking me up and setting me in one of the beds and moving both he and Barty to the other. "sorry but you looked good enough to.... Just we should talk." Rabastan said looking away from me. 'they are mad at me I shouldn't have left them' my panicked thinking must have come through Rabastan's ability as he looked back at me and smiled.

"We aren't angry you left us behind when you ran. We're just upset you ran into a chimera den. You could have been hurt." Rabastan explained carefully. Barty picked up from there. "I know you weren't really capable of thinking things though with all your panic, but I was really scared we would lose you. I know we said we would wait and see if the three of us dating could work. But I don't want to be in a maybe relationship with you anymore." Instantly I squirmed wanting to not hear them tell me I wasn't worth the trouble.

"What we are saying is.... No. What we are asking is will you officially be our boyfriend Harry?" Rabastan asked looking nervous as hell. Startled I froze they weren't telling me they didn't want me they were asking to be official. I beamed at them both. "Did you both miss the part where daddy gave his approval?" I snarked at them. "I highly doubt he'll ever give his approval for anybody I don't honestly want to be with." Instantly they both moved to wrap around me. They peppered my face and head in kisses. We spent the rest of the day cuddling. About 30 till supper Crashers came and told me my room had been cleaned and I was to go get ready for supper.

When I got to my room I quickly through on some pants. Not wanting to change out of their clothes. 'Their mine now.' tossing on some fuzzy bunny slippers I went to the dining room and sat between mommy and Barty. Rabastan kept eyeing me with a small smile. Daddy looked irritated all through dinner. And the others all looked highly amused. When it was time for dessert daddy called me over to him. "Harry come here please." As soon as I was within reach he pulled me to him and placed me in his lap. Feeding me chocolate cake and pudding. I accepted knowing he was just wanting to take care of me. Mommy gave a knowing smile to me. After dessert daddy announced that in three days time we were going to have a ball to celebrate my victory over Dumbledore. And his subsiquinte death. He even told everyone about the way the papers were printing everything made it clear that the aurors would be looking into all the children who Dumbledore had authority over for the last 100years. They would be trying to find all the kids he had failed to help and his brother apparently was offering to help. As he had never been able to previous due to a spell stopping him. He had apparently kept a journal for recording the students his bother acted funny about. But my mind was stuck on the ball.

'dancing!!!! I can't dance! I'll hurt their toes! Draco help!' I sent a pleading look to Draco who came over and grabbed my hand "come on Harry we have things to discuss." He said pulling me from daddy's lap and through the doors Blaise and Pansy right behind us. Once we were a suitable distance away I freaked out. "I can't dance. You guys saw me at the yule ball. I'll step all over their feet and be a complete embracement. Help me not be a complete fuck up. Please big brother." I gave my best begging face even getting down on my knees clutching at his over robe's.

He looked highly amused. "If anyone would have told me earlier this year that I'd have you calling me big brother and begging on your knees for my help I'd have gotten them chucked into Saint Mungos." He chuckled when I pouted my lip. "Blaise is better at teaching dancing. What do you say babe will you teach my baby brother?" Blaise picked me up and grabbed my hand pulling me away. "Fine but your in charge of his hair and Pansy is helping him with clothes." Needless to say both me and Blaise had sore feet by the end of the night. Pansy had helped me desided to wear a girls gown for the ball and Draco was trying to narrow down hair styles that he could give me. And I was insisting on helping Pansy with her nails.

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