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Chapter 15
We Board the Boat of Monsters

Volume 2: The Sea of Monsters


Percy was looking at Pallas for what seemed like a long time. Since they had such a short amount of time, Pallas knew it must have been just a moment.

"What?" He asked.

"I just...didn't expect that," Percy shrugged.

"What?" He asked again.

Percy managed to half-smile, though the decision was obviously still weighing on him. He gestured over Pallas' figure, "All the...smiling."

"What?" Pallas sounded affronted, "I smile!"

"Yeah, yeah, just--" Percy chuckled, "It's nothing! I knew you liked Hermes and all that, but--"

Pallas crossed his arms impatiently. "Hermes is nice. I will be nice to him, no?"

"Forget I said anything!" Percy waved him off, still laughing.

Pallas somewhat wished they were still arguing because the silence was worse. When Percy's laugh died off, they were both left to ponder Hermes' advice about the quest. Percy kept his eyes on the waves as if he was waiting for an answer from his father, and Pallas took the chance to look up at the sky. It offered no warmth to him in the night. The moon was Artemis' luggage, and she was no comfort to him.

Pallas glanced back at Percy. He wanted to go, and he wanted to tell Percy that. There was still that tension between them that made it hard for him to speak. Maybe Pallas had invented that tension though, he decided the longer he thought on it. He had told Percy what happened to his mother, after all.

"A week after my mom died, Hermes appeared," He told Percy suddenly, "I trust him more than I should," He admitted.

Percy seemed to understand that Pallas had made up his mind, but Percy didn't reply. He was still pondering over the quest when Annabeth, Tyson, and Pat found them.

"What's going on?" Annabeth asked. "I heard you calling for help!"

"Me, too!" Tyson said. "Heard you yell, 'Bad things are attacking!'"

"I didn't call you guys," Percy said. "I'm fine."

"But then who . . ." Annabeth noticed the five yellow duffel bags, then the thermos and the bottle of vitamins I was holding. "What—"

"Just listen," Percy said. "We don't have much time."

He began to explain their visit with Hermes. Pat snaked his way to Pallas' side and nudged him, "Why were you out here? You don't like the beach." That wasn't necessarily true, but Pat knew not to elaborate. Pallas mumbled instead of answering.

In the distance, they heard loud screeching. Patrol harpies were picking up their scent, and Pallas never thought he would be grateful for that, but he really didn't want to get this embarrassed in front of Annabeth.

"Guys," Annabeth said, "we have to do the quest."

"We'll get expelled, you know," Percy reminded her, "Trust me, I'm an expert at getting expelled."

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