Chapter 2: Family Dinner

Start from the beginning

"That's too bad. I made ramen tonight. With eggs, spinach, cheese, pork, beef, chicken, carrots, broccoli, and potatoes."

"Yeah I know I can smell it."

"You're not happy about it?"

"Why would I be?"

"Isn't it your favorite food?"

"I'm guessing Rosemary or Mom told you that?"

Jellal sighed and put the ladle down on the counter.

"Reiki, I know I've only been consistently home for three years, but I cooked for you in two of them."

"That doesn't mean anything."

Jellal half-turned around.

"It wasn't hard to figure out you preferred simple meals. There were a lot of ramen flavor packets and eggshells in the trash before you moved out."

Reiki rolled his eyes.

"Yeah well I'm not dumb, either. It wasn't hard to figure out you didn't know how to cook for a family. All of your portion sizes were way too small."

"You never starved," Jellal pointed out.

"I was always hungry, though!" Reiki countered.

"And we always gave you seconds and thirds. Now that you're living alone are you less hungry?"

"Irk. Um, not really."

Jellal narrowed his dark green eyes.

"Reiki, are you eating enough?"

Reiki bit his lip and wiggled his toes.

"Um, I eat enough to survive," he answered.

He half-looked towards the set up table.

"Are we having a fifth guest tonight?" he inquired.


Reiki looked up as Jellal turned back to the pots.

The sounds of boiling broth and frying vegetables occupied the room.

After a brief minute, Reiki started to walk forward.

"Where are you going?" Jellal inquired.

Reiki rolled his eyes and set his hand on the glass door handle.

"To see Little Rose! Am I not allowed to do that?"

"We weren't finished with our conversation."

"I thought we were done!"

"I was thinking of how to answer the question."

"Pfft. Please. After forty three seconds of silence, there's nothing to say about the topic."

"Reiki, that didn't mean we were done with the conversation."

"Then I would like to say I'm done and I would like to talk to Little Rose."

Suddenly, the glass door opened. The redheaded girl jumped out and threw her arms around Reiki's neck.

"Hey, Big Brother! You made it home!"

Reiki furrowed his scarlet brows yet returned the tight embrace.

"Uh, yeah I did, I promised I would be here," he said.

"Don't forget our promise," she whispered in his ear.

"I didn't forget," he muttered back.

Jellal clicked a button on the stove and lifted a pot off the burner.

Fairy Tail Adventures Await Volume 2: Undercover InvestigationWhere stories live. Discover now