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'what the hell?why did he not answering my calls?' Jin tried so many times but always went to voice mail..

Jin gritted his teeth and mumbled angerly:

'he doesn't care about his son.only I hadto take care him alone..busy busy..I am done with this old buisness man'

Jin then looked from outside and saw taehyung happily smiling with jungkook..Jin lips automatically curved to see his son heartfelt smile

'my Tae baby again start smiling.i really miss old baby tae whose giggle a soft melody for me' Jin eyes turned teary when he remembered his son always gave them a tired and forced smile


'momma..' a 6 years old taehyung running towards his mom who helped his younger son how to pronounce a word correctly while sitting on bench..

Jin turned to taehyung and saw a smiley sweet baby running without any care...

'baby..don't run like that..what if you might get hurt' Jin picked his elder son on his lap,then brushing his front bang softly.

'mama..I have a special gift for you. wanna see?' the cute boy asked and Jin immediately pecked his pink blushy cheeks..

'my special gift is you.if my special gift wanna give me some gifts,then it will be more special for me..now momma is getting impatient to see his gift' Jin tickle his son who giggle loudly

'haha..momma..not anymore.haha' Jin loves to hear his son giggle.bcz it's rare for him.all the time his baby was busy with his granny.never get a time to smile nor play.jin also fight with namjoon for that but namjoon is also helpless here..

'ok ok..it's enough.now show me my gift' Jin extend his hands to his son..

'no...close your eyes first' the little boy command..Jin pouted and nodded his head anyway.he closed his eyes and yugyeom clapped his hand thought it mustbe some play..

'shh..baby..don't make any sound' the little boy tried silent his brother but baby is baby you know..

the little boy took out a paper and puts it infront of him mom..

'momma..open your eyes now' the little boy is so excited to see his mom reaction..Jin slowly open his eyes and saw a painting Infront of him.

'mama..tell me how is it?' the little boy excitedly asked.actually it's his first time to paint someone..

Jin amusedly looking at the painting and his eyes turned into teary..yugy also peeked his head wanna see what his hyung gave him..

'baby who said to make it?' Jin asked while looking at the painting with his heart eyes.

'i listened you were sad yesterday with papa bcz he didn't make your picture perfectly.thats why I made it for you mama.. isn't it exactly look like you?' the little smile brightly.. he took 7 hour to finish this picture.

'come to mama' Jin makes grabby hand to his son who literally running to him..Jin picked the boy and kiss his all over face lovingly.

'i can't tell you how much mama loves your picture.' Jin now start kissing his baby hand

Taehyung eyes sparkled when he heard his mom loves it..


'yes baby' Jin again looks at the painting but someone snatch it from him..

'this is what you were doing from last night young kim' Mrs Kim looking at painting with angry expression.

Both mother son smile fell and taehyung immediately lower his head.he last night lied to his granny and skip his Spanish class..now he get caught by red handed.

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