14.(wedding special)

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Sometimes when I look
at you,I feel I am gazing
at a distance star
It's dazzling,but the
light is from tens of
Thousands of years ago
Maybe the star
doesn't even exist anymore, yet
Sometimes that light seems more
real to me
than anything and I wish
you to know that
You have been the lost
dream of my soul

A young male like 24 years caging his both hand with his long fingure on bathroom wall,head hung low,leaning Infront of bathroom wall,dropping water from his black hair through his bang whole body naked show his beautiful honey bright soft skin,not so build up body with broad shoulder.his heart shape soft yet attractive lips slightly parted, breathing heavily while closing his eyes,cold water pouring all over his body.

he stopped the shower and began to think something while closing his eyes.he then took a deeply breath and slowly he opens his eyes looking at the bathroom wall.after that he wrapped a towel around his waist and walked out from the cold washroom wearing his slippers.

He entered a royal and huge room.

He placed one of his towel near couch and he took a hair dryer from the desk and dried his hair

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

He placed one of his towel near couch and he took a hair dryer from the desk and dried his hair.while drying his hair he hears someone knocked on his door and someone said:may I come in?

'yes please' he answered with his deep yet soft voice and again started drying his soft black hair.

A lady like 27 years old entered the room and went to the closet to take out some cloths...after taking out the things she placed the cloth on the bed and turned towards him and bowed politly.

'sorry...for coming late' she said and the black hair boy with messy hair stopped his dryer machine and replied back:'its all right'.

after that the lady give him a white shirt with black button in his sleeves.he wore the shirt and pant and went to the room.the lady helps him wore a black with white striped tie.after tied him a tie he sat on a chair and lady gave him one blue and red daimond ring for his right hand and another baby blue ring for his left hand.he also wore his bracelet and wrist watch.the lady start to his make up.

after one hour later the lady finished his final touch up and said smiling towards the young male:
'mr Kim...it's done'.

She moved from taehyung and taehyung could visibly see himself in the mirror.

he wore a sky blue suit a red rose on his chest side,a Gucci silver daimond ring his left ear.his soft silky black hair neatly on his forhead.

his soft silky black hair neatly on his forhead

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