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Taehyung eat his dinner peacefully but his peaceful moment ruined by his mother.

'kim taehyung I want to talk with you'...his mom said and sat beside him

'what mom?did I do something wrong?' taehyung said looking confused to his mother

'yeah...a huge problem you creat for us.did you forget the promise?' Jin said gave more food to his son.

'what promise mom? What problems did I create? Taehyung said with so much confusion

'aish...I knew that you will definitely forget.you promised me if you get the position you will get married.' Jin said and taehyung choke on his food.

'yeah...don't be dramatic you brat.i know you didn't remember anything.and I also know you will never ever find anyone better by yourself.thats why I decide to choose a life partner for you.' Jin said patted his son back

'but mom...I don't wanna get married.i am ok with my life' taehyung said to understand his mom.

But he knows it's useless to talk with him now.which decision he made now its final.nobody has no gut to change it.

'so you are denying me..'jin said with his scary voice and dangerous glaring eyes.

taehyung gulped and lost his starve bcz of his mom scary nature.

'hehe...no no mom..I am just tease you.i will never ever say no to you.i had not that gut to say that Infront of you' taehyung said

'yeah...so better listen to me if you want a happy life.' Jin said and give taehyung his phone

Taehyung took it and frowned when saw some girls and boys pictures

'who are they mom?' taehyung said

'choose someone from here and I will fix your date with them.all of them are my choice.' Jin said to his son

Ok... taehyung said and scroll his phone.but he didn't like anyone.

But his mother scary eyes again gulped him..

'hehe...they all are ok mom' taehyung said.

but when Jin want to said something but cutted by a msg from Jin's phone:

J-money sucker

hyung look I got your late ex son photos.

hyung look I got your late ex son photos

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Isn't he looks amazing like his mother?

taehyung curiously looks at his mom phone msg.

'mom..what uncle msg you??who is your ex mom? Taehyung asked

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