{6.17} 𝙼𝚢 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝙶𝚘 𝙾𝚗 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 1

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A man is in his garage, he props up the door with a plank. He works on a bent piece of metal.

"Piece of crap." He Says

He goes to grab his beer which isn't where he left it. As he takes it off the table behind him, he knocks over a glass of nails.

"Oh, damn it." He Says

He gets a broom to sweep up the nails and unknowingly knocks over a skateboard. He then slips on the skateboard, almost impales himself on a pair of garden shears, and accidentally knocks over a bucket of golf balls. He slips on one and falls, landing with his head directly underneath the garage door. A stray golf ball bounces onto a mouse trap, which goes off and causes the golf ball to fly towards the plank propping up the garage door. The plank falls and the garage door comes down on the man's neck, decapitating him.



Bobby sits at his desk flipping through his desk and drinking alcohol, Sam and Dean watch him from the door to the kitchen.

"Say something." Sam Whispers

"No. You." Dean Whispers

"No. You." Sam Whispers

They play rock-paper-scissors, Sam picks paper. Dean picks scissors, as always. Sam looks stunned.

"Uh..." Sam Says

"You two just gonna stand there like the ugly girl at the prom, or you gonna pitch in? This so-called Eve, mother of whatever, ain't gonna gank herself. What's wrong with you two?" Bobby Says

"Bobby, you haven't slept in days." Dean Says

"I sleep, What are you, my wife now?" Bobby Says

"He's just saying that, you know, taking five might be a good thing." Elena Says Entering the room with Corinna

"For whom?" Bobby Says

"Look, Bobby, it was – it was tough for all of us, seeing Rufus go like that." Sam Says

"You think this—? This ain't about Rufus." Bobby Says

"Bobby, he wasn't just a poker buddy." Corinna Says

"You know when I knew Rufus was done for? The day I met him. The only question was, who first – him or me? Now, you want to stand there and therapise, or you want to get me some coffee?" Sam, Dean, Elena and Corinna exchange a look "Make it Irish." Bobby Says

Sam, Elena, Dean and Corinna walk out

"Well, he's doing fantastic." Dean Says

"Yeah, this isn't about Rufus at all." Sam Says

"Well, what do you guys want to do? I mean, we can't just sit here and watch him poop out his liver." Elena Says

"Well, we could get him out of the house, There's a job." Sam Says

"Really? What've you got?" Corinna Asks As Sam pulls a newspaper clipping out of his jacket pocket

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