{6.12} 𝙻𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝙰 𝚅𝚒𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚗 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 3

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Elena and Dr.Visyak follows Dean who's carrying a black bag.

"You know what? I-I-I don't like this at all. You do realize that this is the single most valuable artifact you have ever touched." Dr.Visyak Says

"It's also the only weapon we got. Look, I know what I'm doing, okay? I actually learned it all from Bobby. Hey, whatever happened there, you know he's at least a genius at this. Do you want me to kill that dragon or not?" Dean Says

"Okay." Dr.Visyak Says

"Trust me." Dean Says

He kneels next to the rock and places C4 on it.

"You rocks think you're so smart. All right. Welcome to the 21st century. All right, stand back." Dean Says

Dean, Elena and Dr.Visyak exits the room. Dean detonates the charges. A loud explosion is heard, Dean opens the door and the rock is completely destroyed.

"Okay. Now..." Dean Says

Dean pulls out the sword, which has broken in half.

"You've got insurance for this, right?" Dean Says


"And what are we supposed to do with this, Dean? Give it a booster shot." Sam Says Holding the Sword

"It's what we got. All right? We're just gonna have to get a little closer. That's all. Where are we on the caves?" Dean Asks

"Nowhere. Sewers, on the other hand...Here. Check this out." Sam Says

Sam points at their map, Elena, Dean and Corinna looks on.

"So, two of the disappearances happened within a mile of here. So I think we start there and work our way around." Sam Says

"Awesome. Who doesn't love sewers? Let's go." Dean Says

Everyone grabs their stuff, Sam looks like he is about to say something.

"What?" Dean Asks

"Nothing. Uh, yeah, let's go." Sam Says


The Four hunters are walking throughout the sewers with their flashlights.

"Ugh! God. Just when I get used to a smell, I hit a new flavor. Dude, we have been here for hours. There is nothing." Dean Says

"I think the lore is off. Hey, what if, uh...What if dragons like nice hotels." Corinna Says

"What is that?" Sam Asks

Sam shines his flashlight at something behind Dean.

"What?" Dean, Elena & Corinna Says

They also shines their flashlights and they see that what they are looking at is a pile of gold.

"Holy crap." Elena Says As picks up a gold watch from the pile.

"Okay, maybe there are dragons here." Dean Says
Then starts to take some of the gold.

"Wait. Dean...Not now. Check this out." Sam Says

Sam walks off towards an altar he has found. There is a leather-bound book on the altar, they meet up with him.

"A little arts-and-crafty for a giant bat, right?" Sam Says

"Hello? Is someone there? Hello?" Penny Says

Sam, Elena, Corinna and Dean find the girls trapped under the grates of the sewer.

"Hey. We're gonna get you out." Dean Says

"Quick. He's coming back." Penny Says

Sam is pulled backwards by a Dragon. Dean takes out the dragon sword, While Corinna and Elena tries to get the girls out.

"Where do you think you're gonna stick that?" Dragon Says

Then Dean cuts into the Dragon's arm.

"Aah! Where did you get that?" Dragon Asks

"Comic-Con." Dean Says

The Dragon knocks the sword out of Dean's hand. The sword falls between the grates. The Dragon approaches Dean, his hand glowing brightly. Sam and Corinna distracts him. Dean tries to grab the sword, which is just out of reach.

"Come on you son bitch Open!" Elena Says Trying to open the gate

"Come on, come on." Dean Says

Dean is grabbed by another Dragon. Sam kicks away the dragon he has been fighting, the dragon comes back at him then Corinna punches the Dragon in the face and begins fighting him. Elena is grabbed by another dragon he has her in a choke hold, she steps on his foot and elbows him in the stomach, Elena turns around and starts throwing punches at the dragon. The dragon gets the upper hand on Elena, he reaches for a blunt objects and hits Elena in the stomach with it several times, Elena groans in pain.

"Elena!" Corinna Says

Corinna Headbutts and Kicks the Dragon sending him down, Sam reaches down and grabs the sword from between the grates. He stabs the dragon fighting Dean and then the one that attacked Elena. But The other Dragon escapes.

Elena coughs up blood a little, Corinna helps her up.

"No No Corinna I don't feel good" Elena Says

"I know come on get up" Corinna Says

Dean and Sam gets the girls out, Elena's Vision becomes very very blurry and she can't stand any more and she collapses on the ground.

"Elena! Elena!, Elena what's wrong" Corinna Says

Dean and Sam Rushes over to Elena, Corinna begins crying.

"What happened?" Sam Asks

"I don't know she just collapsed" Corinna Says

Corinna Turns Elena around on her back, They look down at her pants and Elena is bleeding severely.

"Oh my god she's bleeding a lot" Dean Says

"Okay we gotta get her to the hospital now" Sam Says

"Elena we're taking you to the hospital okay" Corinna Says

Dean Picks Elena up, Corinna and Sam helps the rest go the girls out of the sewers, Outside There are ambulances everywhere and police officers.


Corinna is in the backseat with Elena trying to wake her up, Dean is driving really fast while Sam is in the passenger seat looking in the back.

"Corinna talk to me how is she?" Dean Asks

"She's not waking up, Dean...Sam she's not waking up." Corinna Says

"Elena!" Sam Says

"Elena...Stay with us, Elena!" Dean Says

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