Please, Don't leave me

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Third Pov

The Next Day...

The sudden dizziness that hit Nightmare that morning causing Blue to feel very anxious about the small skeleton's condition.

Nightmare kept on throwing up and went straight to the toilet without saying a word. His condition getting worse and worse. "Ccino, what do you think happen to Nightmare? Do you know what illness is this?"

Ccino doesn't know how to tell both Blue and Nightmare about this. He felt really bad for keeping it silence.

"I-i... I can tell you but I don't think you are ready for this news..." Whispered Ccino, trying to stay quiet from Nightmare. Blue began to feel uneasy.

"What is it... Is it really that bad? He won't die right?" Ccino sighed as he lead Blue towards nearby chair.

"I will only tell you once... This won't be any good towards Nightmare mental health if he knew this..." Both of the stayed silence and finally Ccino decided to spoke up.

"Night is pregnant... his abusers child." Those words was like a big pang towards Blue.

"W-what? Are you sure? Please don't joke this kind of thing. It's not funny-"

"I'm not JOKING , Blue. He was having pregnancy sickness. Those are the sign. As a prove, yesterday when I'm healing him, I felt another presence in his body and soul. That baby is still in his soul. In a few month , it will be transferred into his ecto stomach. But, from what I felt... The child is still incomplete... Which mean, you are not to late." Blue can feel tears forming on his eye socket.

"But, that baby-"

"What baby." Ccino and Blue turned in surprised as they saw Nightmare's dread expression.

"What baby?! " Nightmare began to raised his voice as he glared at Ccino. Blue stood up as he tried to calm Nightmare down. "Night! Calm down. Stress is not good for you-"

"-And the baby, huh Blue? " Cut Nightmare as he stared at Blue with disbelief. "I- I want to go home. NOW." Ccino stood up, worried about Nightmare condition. "B-but Night, you are still healing-"

"I don't CARE! I-i was raped and now- I'm carrying those filthy bastard baby?! I WANT TO GO HOME, NOW!" A negative aura can be felt around Nightmare. His eyes was filled with Sadness and Anger.

"I... Okay. We will go home... Thank you Ccino..." Blue sighed as he waved Ccino goodbye. Nightmare turned, doesn't want to see Ccino face anymore. It's not because he hate Ccino...

It's because he embarrassed with himself. Tears flowing from his eyes as Blue teleported both of them back to the Dreamswap. They reached the JR garden as Nightmare began to stomped away from Blue. He was sobbing and crying while Blue trying his best to chase Nightmare.

"Night! Wait- it's to dangerous for you to walk alone! They still alive-" Nightmare turned around as he glared at Blue.


"Night, please. The baby didn't do anything wrong... You can't hate him, Night..." Nightmare began to sobbed again as he hugged his stomach. "I-im sorry... I'm sorry... I'm just... I'm upset with myself... This child didn't ask to be born... Why am I blaming for something that didn't even born- I'm such a failure-" Nightmare fall to the ground as he cried uncontrollably.

Blue looked at Nightmare as he tried to comfort him. Suddenly someone threw a huge knife towards him, causing him to flinch. Blue turned around and groaned.

It was Cross.

"Night, wake up! They are here!" Screamed Blue but it was pointless. Nightmare was sobbing as he was consumed with his own emotions. He couldn't even think.

Error and Cross ran towards Nightmare but the negativity is to strong for both of them to handle.


Blue words were cut off when he saw Dream and Ink also on their way.

Blue began to chuckle. "Haha ... I can't believe it... You guys still doing this ..." Muttered Blue.

"What happen here?! Why is Nightmare consumed with so much negativity?!" Dream ran towards the as he saw Nightmare sobbing, causing him to feel pity.

The situation couldn't even get worse when suddenly a familiar voice screaming from behind. Nightmare was snap from his own emotions as he saw the bunny and the others villagers. He began to tremble in fear.

"YOU DEMON! YOU HURT ME!" Shouted the bunny angrily. Nightmare was taken back with the sudden about as he walked towards Blue.

"I-ITS YOUR FAULT! ITS YOUR FAULT!" Screamed Nightmare angrily. His tears streaming down his face , his eyes pleading for help when all of the sudden Blue embrace Nightmare with hug.

Error, Cross , Dream and Ink was shocked.

"You, You are the one who did this! " Blue spat his anger back towards the villagers. Nightmare cried , hiding himself in Blue's arm.

"Oh please. We are just playing with him. Nothing Biggie. Right guys?" The others villagers began to laugh until Nightmare began to have a panic attack .

Blue stopped paying attention towards the villagers as he sat down and urgently helped Nightmare. Cross and Error tried to help but only being pushed away by Blue.

" Night, Night! Hey, listen to me! Follow my step. Breath in, breath out ... " Nightmare was trying his best to breath but he felt like something choking him.

"I-ITS hurt... E-everything h-hurt-" muffled him. Blue cupped Nightmare face lovingly as he whispered comforted words.

"Please , Night. You need to calm down for both of us, me and our child." Our child...

Nightmare took a deep breath even if he was disturbed by his own hiccup.

Dream was shocked by the word child... His brother... Is pregnant? With Blue?!

The villagers began to chuckled when they heard the word child. "Ah, that must be mine. See? That demon belong to me! You filthy skeleton can go scram!"

Nightmare shook his head as he glance towards Dream and Ink. "P-please don't give me- t-they , they-"

"This BITCHES Rape Nightmare." Scowled Blue with pure rage. He summoned his strings as he catch all the bastard.

"THEY WHAT?!" Error began to breakdown as he looked back at Nightmare who is half awake and exhausted. Error slowly approaching Nightmare and hugged his friend tightly. He began to cry his heart out, repeating on how Nightmare didn't deserve any of this.

Both Dream and Ink was furious. Without further order, Dream allowed both Blue and Ink to destroy the villagers. Cross ran and closed both Nightmare and Error eyes from the brutal murdered in front of them.

Cross glossy eyes stared at Nightmare who is lost in his own world...

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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