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"Yeah, too bad we're cramped in this bus for another half hour." The girl said, crossing her arms.

"Leo Valdez! Problem back there?!" A loud, husky voice scolded. The kid next to her — Leo, Y/n presumed — turned to look at her for a second. "Hey, watch this," he said, before standing up and cupping his mouth with his hands, "Sorry, coach, I'm having trouble hearing you!"

Y/n sat up higher to get a better look at the coach — he was a stubby old man, shorter than her, and had a look on his face like he had eaten something sour. He grunted, seemingly pleased to have a reason to use the megaphone clipped to his side. He unclipped it and brought it to his mouth. When he repeated what he said previously, his voice sounded robotic, like Darth Vader's. He brought it back down and examined it as the kids on the bus chuckled.

He attempted to speak into it again when it said "The cow goes moo!"

The coach looked like he was about to explode. His face went slightly red when he yelled, "Valdez!"

Leo lightly laughed in the seat next to Y/n, trying to hold it in. "My god, Leo, how did you do that?" The pretty girl laughed.

Leo just slipped a small Phillips head screwdriver from his jacket sleeve and said "I'm a special boy."

"Guys, seriously." The blond guy began. "What am I doing here? Where are we going?" His look of confusion turned to worry. Y/n turned more to look at him, and when she met his eyes and understood; they were in the same situation. She shot him a knowing look, and he responded with the same one.

The two had a silent conversation, and if it were spoken out loud, would've gone something like 'Dude, I have no idea what I'm doing here either.'

"Jason, are you joking?" The girl furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

Leo sighed. "Aw, yeah, he's joking. Are you trying to get me back for the shaving cream on Jello thing?"

"No, I think he's serious..." The brown-haired girl tried to hold his hand, but Jason pulled away.

"I'm sorry. I don't — I can't —"

"That's it! The back row has just volunteered to clean up after lunch!" The coach yelled, earning groans from the back of the bus.

Leo rolled his eyes, "That's a shocker." He muttered sarcastically.

The girl continued to look at Jason, with a look of both confusion and hurt. "Did you hit your head or something? You really don't know who we are?"

Jason's shoulders lowered as he looked to the ground, "It's worse than that. I don't even know who I am."

The girl and Leo exchanged a look of worry, as Y/n kept her eyes on Jason. He looked back up at her with pleading eyes. He didn't have to say anything, she knew what Jason wanted — he wanted Y/n to tell the others about her memory loss as well.

And just as she opened her mouth, about to confess, the coach began yelling again. "You two!" He began, pointing to Y/n and Leo, who were on their knees, and turned around towards Jason and the brown-haired girl whose name Y/n still didn't know, or, remember.

"You sit your butts down before you have to sit with me!" He ordered. In fear of having to sit next to him, Leo jumped down quickly, pulling Y/n with him.

Once coach was off their tails, Leo looked to Y/n. "Y/n? You okay? You've been weirdly quiet. Usually, you talk my ear off during things like this." He joked, attempting to bring the mood back up after Jason's confession.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just, tired. Still." She responded. She wanted to tell him but figured it would be easier to tell both him and the brown-haired girl at the same time rather than explain it twice.

 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 ( leo valdez. )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora