Seems like a fun Holiday break to me

Anyways, I have to get ready for the party. Lori and I wanted to teach the girls how to make eggnog but the thing is we don't know how to make it either. Matteo always handled the food by hiring a cook.

I have a dress picked out, it's silky red with a v-neck and is so comfortable on my skin. I'll slip it on after we make the eggnog because knowing my family, they're messy people. For now, I'll shower then do my makeup and keep on my sweatshirt and sweat pants.

There are so many things we've been planning for today, I can't fucking wait. I'm so excited to spend Christmas with my relatives again. Also, Matteo invited Dario and was whispering a little too loudly to Lori about hooking me and him up together.

After my cold refreshing shower, I put on some lotion and start my makeup. Once I'm done, I head downstairs to see the girls waiting in the kitchen. Matteo is with one of his friends but he'll be back in around thirty minutes, they just had to quickly talk.

Since Maria and Seriyah are clearly five-year-olds, we have to make two different eggnogs. One containing alcohol and the other containing boring eggnog. "Are my beauties ready?" I ask even though they're the ones who've been waiting for the past twenty-eight minutes. Seri speaks up about that, "Shouldn't we be asking you that?"

I shrug and pick up the piece of paper with all the ingredients that are already laying patiently on the island table. Lori sneaks a peak with a small nod of determination then mutters, "Alright, let's get started, girls."

"Where's the measuring cup?" I furrow my eyebrows realizing we can't measure anything. Lori's lips thin then she replies after a thoughtful silence. "Let's just pour it into a cup and go off hypothesis."

I nod agreeing.

Taking out a clear glass, I pour sugar into it until I think it's enough then put it into our bowl. I then give both Sy and Ria an equal amount of three eggs to pour into the bowl. "Be careful when cracking the eggs, crack it on- or just break it by your grip, works too." I attempt to instruct them.

Lori takes over. "Make sure there are no eggshells in it and take turns whisking it after."

The rest of the eggnog making is... in simple terms, chaotic. Maria dropped our bowl on the floor and it shattered so Lori grabbed something to clean it, Matteo walked in and walked around the island but that's where the glass was hiding so his foot got a huge piece stuck inside of it. Does it end there? No.

Lori drove him to the hospital to get it removed as Athena instructed when we called her. I was left with two devils in disguise of two pretty young Angels, In other words? Seriyah and Maria. The second I walk back into the house after watching Lori drive off, Seri is in my face with a piece of glass and chasing me around the house while I scream, "Seriyah! Seriyah, put that down! You don't know how that can hurt you-"

Then I realize she has been hurt by glass before and has the scar to prove it.

And I also realize I'm the parent and could easily take control over my daughter.

And then realize I don't know where her evil twin is.

I pause and Sy slams into my back, how is that kid so fast?

I turn around to see the glass isn't even in her hand anymore and notice I didn't see it in her hand for the past ten minutes... she's been chasing me for fifteen... this could've been over a lot longer ago.

"Where's your prima Ria?" I bend down to her and she puts on a funny thinking face with sas all over it.

She responded, "She went outside to pick up snow in the wagon."

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