"Our names? What else is written there, Hobi? Why do you look so scared?" Yoongi stepped forward, his arms falling to his sides and one hand clutching the notebook.

"The notebook not only lists all of us in here... But it says that we are Humanity's last hope." Yoongi and I stare at him in shock, papers falling from my hands as my hands went to my mouth. "What do you mean? Are all eight of us patients here? What do you mean humanity's last hope?" The questions spilled out of my mouth, coming out as fast as a dam that had broken while Yoongi stood in complete silence.

Humanity's last hope?.... Did something happen to the rest of the human race and because we are special, we're the only ones left? What is going on? Why are we special? Do we have abilities that others don't possess?

"It does list all eight of us as patients here. As well as that the eight of us are special."

"Special how?" Yoongi finally spoke up, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the notebook in Hoseok's hand.

"That's the thing... It only says that we are special, I haven't looked far enough in here to see if they have that written down." Hoseok said. "The question I have is... Why? Why are the eight of us special? What makes us special? Why are we humanity's last hope?" Yoongi asked, but I don't think he wanted us to answer those questions. They seemed more like rhetorical questions. "I think we should bring this to the others. They might have gathered more clues." Hoseok suggested, Yoongi and I nodded in agreement. I picked up the papers I had dropped, placing them on top of the filing cabinet and the three of us left the room.

"Min, are you alright? You look a bit pale." Hoseok must have noticed just how unsettled I really was with all of this new information. We were currently climbing down a set of stairs, heading to the lobby where we all had agreed to meet back up after our search. Yoongi was just a few steps ahead of me, walking in silence and it seemed he was also trying to absorb the new information. "I... I feel really unsettled. We are here because we are humanity's last hope but... What does that even mean?" I asked, keeping my pace with Yoongi. "I know it's unsettling, believe me... I can hardly believe that we are humanity's last hope. But trust me when I say this," I looked over at Hoseok, who gave me a warm smile. "We will all get through this together. And I promise, that no matter what happens while we search for our answers, I will stay by your side and protect you." He said, his eyes gleaming with sincerity. "Same here," Yoongi spoke, making the two of us look at him. He gave us a small smile, his gums slightly showing and I could see how sincere he was being. 

Oh my god, Yoongi has such a cute smile. I didn't think his smile would be that cute, but I was so wrong. I've got to get him to smile more often. Maybe the more he smiles, the more his gums show. And Hoseok has freaking dimples. Why? Why? Why? His dimples are adorable.

"Then I'll do the same thing, even if I am younger than the two of you. I will do whatever I can to protect you both and the rest of our group." It wasn't long before we reached the lobby, the first thing I noticed was Namjoon talking with Jin. Jimin was standing near the lobby desk, a book in his hands and he seemed really into it. And over in the corner, Taehyung and Jungkook were talking with one another.

"You guys are back," Namjoon noticed the three of us standing together which turned everyone's attention on us. "Did you guys find anything?"

"We did. And what we found is something that pertains to all eight of us." Hoseok said, his smile dropping as a serious look placed itself across his features. "Is it really that bad?" Jimin asked, looking up from the book he had. He set it down on the desk, walking over to us. "It's serious enough. You all are gonna want to hear this." Yoongi said.

"What is it?" Jin asked.

"The first thing we found was this," Yoongi handed Namjoon the notebook, "This strange notebook which I came across on the desk in a director's office." Namjoon took the notebook from Yoongi, flipping it open. "The notebook has several patients ranging from 11 to 14. It gives off a list of medications... They all look like painkillers. It also has a list of children, who were patients to another hospital. Most of them were patients here and transferred elsewhere."

"So this notebook was in the Hospital Director's office?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes, but the strange part about this is that this isn't a normal medical file. Yoongi said that a regular medical record book would have the medical history of each of its patients. Because all of them are ages 11 to 14, I thought it was strange that a director would have this in his office. You would expect a pediatrician to have information regarding patients that young." I stated.

"That's odd. Are you sure it wasn't the Director of Pediatrician's office?" Jimin asked.

"No, that's the thing. It was the Hospital Director. What's stranger than that is the fact that there were no medical history or doctor's notes written anywhere in that book."

"You said Yoongi hyung knew that?" Namjoon asked, "Yes, I did."

"How do you know that Yoongi? Did you remember something from your past life?" Jin asked, "Nope." Yoongi said, popping the 'P' as he shook his head.

"That's not all guys." Hoseok spoke up, "I also found another notebook in that office. Which has all of our names listed." Everyone besides Yoongi and I looked at Hoseok in shock, "What do you mean? All of our names are in that notebook you found?"

"Yes." Hoseok nodded, "I haven't gotten too far into the book but there was something else that I read in here."

"Which was?" Namjoon asked.

"We are humanity's last hope."

Jin and Namjoon let out a shocked gasp, both looking distraught. Namjoon reached out for the notebook Hoseok was holding, so he gave it to him to look through.

"What?" Jimin gasped out.

"Humanity's last hope...?" Jungkook quipped. "What do you mean by that?"

"It means something happened to our world that we need to find the answers to." Hoseok said, "Judging by the fact that we are the only ones in this whole hospital means that we were put here for a reason." He added. "If they called us Humanity's last hope, then..." Jimin's eyes were glued to the floor, "That could possibly mean that the eight of us are the only humans left." He looked up, worry and fear stretched across the features of his face. "Maybe we are the only ones who are deemed fit to save the world from whatever we were fighting before." Jimin's voice softened, fear giving way in his eyes. "If that's the case, then that means.." I started, "We need to find answers and fast." Jin cut in, looking over at us. "But where would we find those answers when we couldn't find anything here? If we can't find answers here, then where do we go?" Jungkook asked, "We might need to leave the hospital to find answers."

Leave the hospital? What will happen if we do that? We have no clue what's out there.

Namjoon suddenly made a noise in the back of his throat, turning attention to him as he let out a shaky breath. "Namjoon?" I looked over at him, confused and concerned for his wellbeing. His eyes were wide and locked on the page that he was reading, he gripped the notebook that Hoseok had given him. "Namjoon, what's the matter? Spit it out." Yoongi pressed, causing Namjoon to lift his head. His eyes landed on Hoseok and me, an unrecognizable expression in his eyes. "What is it hyung? Why are you looking at them like that?" Taehyung asked. "I know why you two share a last name... I thought that it was just a coincidence that you two shared a last name, but then I took into account that you two look a bit like one another. Min, you have his nose and his lips, and Hyung, you have the same shape eyes as Min. I just thought it was a coincidence. But Yoongi hyung said there is no such thing as coincidences... I didn't really think..."

"Think what, Namjoon? Say it? What did you read in there that is making you look at us like that?" Hoseok asked as I shifted uncomfortably at the other's gaze on the two of us. "Now that you mention it, they do look alike. They even share the same skin tone." Jungkook nodded.

"Namjoon, you're scaring me. What is it?"

"You and Hoseok are related. Hoseok hyung is your older brother."

What?!! Holy crap, not only did the group find out that they are humanity's last hope, but also find out that Hoseok and Min are related?!! Holy crap! What do you think the group will find if they leave the hospital? Do you think they will leave the hospital to look for more answers as to what happened? What do you think happened to the other humans? And the scene with Hoseok comforting Min and Yoongi also accepting the fact that he wanted to protect her too... is just too much. I wanted more of Hoseok and Min moments and just showing just caring he really is towards her.

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