Cuts and Wounds: Nitori x reader

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Your POV

I stood in front of the bathroom mirror with a sharp knife in hand, I made small cuts in my wrist. I covered them up and washed the knife, I walked into the kitchen and put it away. I trudged back up stairs and into my room, locking the door. I collapsed onto my bed and fell asleep.


I did my morning routine, then headed out the door. I walked to Samezka with my best friend Nitori, I pulled the sleeves of my jumper over my bandaged wrist. I entered the school and went to my dorm, I live with Sousuke.

"How was your holidays?" Sousuke asked

"Shit" I grumbled

"You need to stopp cutting yourself. Nitori is going to find out sooner or later and he wont be impressed" Sousuke spoke in disappointment

"I know" I sighed and heard a knock on the door

"Come in" Sousuke called

"Hey, (Your Name). You coming to swim practice?" Nitori smiled

"Yeah, I'll get my stuff and we can go" I my voice cracked a little, I walked out the door

"Ok. Lets go" Nitori smiled

"Alright" I chuckled at his happiness

"Come on slow poke" Nitori laughed

"Fine then!! Give me a piggy back" I laughed

"Ok" Nitori crouched down

"Thanks" I hopped on and Nitori ran all the way to the pool

"No problem" Nitori placed me down

"That was fun" I chuckled

"Come on" Nitori pulled me inside

"Nitori, I forgot to mention that we are having a joint practice" Rin spoke

"Ok sempai" Nitori smiled

"Oh I see you bought (Your Name) with you, you trying to get her to race the Iwatobi team?" Rin chuckled

"That sounds like fun!!" I beamed

"Oi! Guys come here" Rin called over the Iwatobi team

"What is it Onii-chan? (YOUR NAME)!!" Gou smiled and hugged me tightly

"Hey Kou" I smiled

"Anyway. (Your Name) wants to race you guys" Rin grinned

"Race? I'm up for it" Haru spoke

"I'll race her" Nagisa beamed

"Sure" Makoto smiled

"Alright" Rei shrugged

Haru and I shredded our clothes and stood at the diving boards, I quickly took my bandage off and threw it onto the floor. Rin snapped his head over to the both of us, Makoto chuckled.

"Go!" Nitori yelled

Haru and I dived into the water, he overtook me at the start. At the turn I over took Haru, we were neck and neck. I smashed my hand against the wall and stood up, Haru come up a few seconds after me.

"Great race, Haru" I giggled

"Well done, (Your Name)" Haru smiled a bit

"I'm next!!" Nagisa beamed

"Oh just a warning guys, (Your Name) can swim every stroke" Rin chuckled and helped me out the pool

"Alright, I'll race you" I stood on the diving board waiting for Nagisa

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