Rei x reader: Beautiful - Confession

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Your POV

You ran out of your parents house and into the park, you rested under a tree and cried. A boy with blue hair, purple eyes and red framed glasses walked over to you, you took your blue framed glasses off and cleaned them. I put them back on and the boy sat down in front of you.

"Hi. My name is Rei" 10 year old Rei smiled

"My name is (Your Name)" 9 year old You sniffled

"Crying doesn't suit you. You'd look beautiful with a smile" Rei blushed

"Thanks" You smiled shyly

"See. I like it better when you smile" Rei turned a darker shade of red

"I should get going home now. I don't want to get a beating off my father" You stood up slowly and winced in pain as your leg hit the tree

"You should rest. You look like your in a lot of pain" Rei stood up

"No no. I have to get home" You started walking

"Goodbye, (Your Name). I hope to see you again" Rei smiled

"I hope to see you again also" You smiled and made your way home.

Rei followed you all the way to your place, your dad stormed put and shoved you to the ground. He lifted a big stick and beat you with it, Rei saw your mum rush out and try to help you.


"GET UP!!" Your father yelled

"(YOUR NAME)!!" Rei hugged you to his chest just as your father was about to beat you again

"Rei I told you I would be fine" You coughed

"No your not fine!!" Rei buried his face in your neck

"Rei please go home. REI!" Your screamed and flipped the both of you over. You were on top of Rei and got hit really hard on your back.

"(Y-Y-Your Name)?" Rei whispered

"Are you alright, Rei? Did you get hurt?" You asked

"I'm fine. Your hurt, please I don't like this. (Your Name) wake up" Rei held you against his small body.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!" Your mother shouted

"(Your Name)!" Rei cried

"Were divorcing!" Your dad yelled

"Good." Your mum growled and ran over to Rei and you

"Is she going to be ok?" Rei asked and hugged her against him gently

"She should be ok. The ambulance is on its way" Your mum tried to calm the crying boy

"Please wake up" Rei buried his face in your neck and wrapped his legs and arms around you

The ambulance arrived and your mum and Rei hopped in the back with you, Rei kept crying and your mum tried to calm him down.

"Shh! She is going to be alright. Shh!" Your mum rocked Rei back and forth until he fell asleep.

Your mum followed the doctor until there was a door. The doctor turned around and smiled.

"Ma'am you going to have to wait out here" The doctor spoke

"Sure" Your mum smiled

"Is (Your Name) going to be alright?" Rei asked the doctor

"She will be perfectly fine" The doctor smiled and walked into the room

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